  • 學位論文

機關委託專業營建管理代理關係之研究 -以台大營繕組為例

A Study of Agency Relationships in Public Institutions that Entrusts Professional Construction Management

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


政府採購法施行後,因有了專案管理之法源依據,當機關因專業人力或能力之不足時,即可委託專業營建管理(Professional Construction Management;以下簡稱PCM)以提供工程生命週期之專案管理技術服務工作。其中機關與PCM之關係屬一代理關係,PCM乃藉由委任契約代理業主職責,執行業主授權之事務。雖PCM應以追求業主最大整體利益為目標,協助業主管理及監督工程之規劃、設計、發包、施工和營運管理等五大階段之履約作業業務,然於執行過程中,不免發生其服務功能未達業主之預期更或與業主產生爭議等各種代理問題。 就經濟學的觀點而論,機關與PCM間之代理關係的建立是機關賦予PCM應有的權利,例如使用資源的權利,而PCM受到正式或非正式契約制約代表委託機關的利益,並且獲取某種形式的報酬,這樣的代理關係便是受到契約的影響,包括契約的簽訂以及執行等。若視代理關係為一項契約,機關委託PCM為機關之利益執行事務,提供服務,契約中亦會包括授與PCM某些權限之規定。但由於雙方立場不盡相同,有時會有利害衝突的情況產生,在雙方各自追求效用極大化之前提下,即可能因雙方資訊不對稱與目標衝突而產生代理問題。所以機關為避免代理人之偏差行為,勢必提供適當的激勵或監督以管制PCM。 為了分析機關和PCM間代理關係所產生的代理問題,本研究從機關之角度,以經濟學中的代理理論為研究架構,透過專家訪談及案例分析等研究方法,探討機關委託PCM因目標衝突與資訊不對稱之因素,所可能產生之代理問題的原因與本質,再釐清問題的類型與影響,進一步提出解決的機制與對策,最後建立業主委託PCM之代理問題嚴重程度評估模式,並提供各類可能問題的防制策略,期以健全PCM制度之內涵。


According to the Government Procurement Act, the public institutions could entrust Professional Construction Management to provide professional services if they are incapable. Consequently, the agency relationship is existed between the public institutions and Professional Construction Management. However, problems arise in agency relationships, since the agent does not always prefer to take the action that the principal most prefers. Due to the information asymmetry and interest conflict between principals and agents, agents may take many actions that are not favored by principals. Such actions include shirking, self-interested behavior, collusion to cheat owner, etc. For this reason, this study is trying to analyze the agency problems and figuring out the way to deal whit the situations. This study is standing in the side of public institutions and applying the Agent theory to analyze the problems existing in the principal-agent relationship. Then, the main objective of this study is to create a model by evaluating the different degrees of information asymmetry and goal conflict to identify the order of severity of agency problems between public institutions and Professional Construction Management.


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