  • 學位論文


An Explorative Study on the Innovative Business Model of Health Screening Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李吉仁


健康檢查係醫療產業的延伸,是臨床醫學的前哨站,也是推動預防醫學的一種重要工具。它雖利用了大量的醫學理論與技術,但未涉及治療行為和用薬。不過,由於它與人類健康息息相關,因此,仍被定位在醫療範圍,必須受政府衛生主管機關的監管。健康檢查有兩種經營模式,一種是附屬於醫院之內,為醫院的部門之一;另一種是不屬於任何醫院,採獨立經營形式。 健康檢查發展至今已進入產業成熟期,現階段國內獨立經營的健康檢查業者正面臨市場規模小、市場開拓不易、政府免費健檢項目逐漸增加、來自醫院的強烈競爭、以及本身產值不具經濟規模、不具新科技研發能力等問題。如果無法尋找出創新的商業模式,只能繼續慘澹經營,面臨衰退的危機。 本論文主旨便在以健檢產業為研究系絡,尤其聚焦於獨立經營的健檢機構,探討如何突破現有產業的發展困境,並運用適當策略學理,建立創新的健檢產業商業模式,以做為健康檢查業者未來經營之參考。 健康檢查的發展一直是疾病導向,所有檢查內容幾乎是為了及早發現疾病,以便及早治療疾病,只要未發現疾病,便判定為健康。因受限於相關科技之進展,雖然名為健康檢查,實質上是進行疾病篩檢,無法做到真正的健康評量。但近年來,功能性醫學、營養醫學與運動醫學已累積了相當多的研究成果,基因體醫學的發展更是突飛猛進,加上東方醫學的科學化研究與養生方法,可供進行健康評量和後續健康促進的工具越來越多。 因此,本研究建議健康檢查業者應採創新商業模式,延續健檢產業的生命,建構未來的核心能耐與競爭優勢,再造健檢產業第二春。就技術策略面而言,一般可分為領先創新型、發展防禦型、應用改良型、跟隨模仿型與機會主義型。獨立經營的健康檢查業者現階段應採領先創新型的技術策略,改以健康導向規劃健康檢查的服務內容,才能與醫院的健康檢查有所差異。 在創新的商業模式中,從健檢產業的價值網關係看來,獨立經營的健康檢查業者除了改以健康導向規劃健康檢查的服務內容外,應結合國內外的相關廠商,研發促進健康的相關產品,以便與健康檢查結果相連結,並與醫院的疾病治療相區隔,才能獲取較大的創新利潤分配。


The health screening industry has been well developed, both within the hospital organization and as an independent clinic, during the past 50 years in Taiwan. This industry has been regarded as a subdivision of the clinical medicine for the disease screening. Most of examinations used for health screening are originally designed for the diagnosis of diseases. It means that health screening adopts similar medical technologies which are clinically used, to find out diseases that could be early treated. As the industry has gone through its life cycle and has been approaching the mature phase, the degree of competition becomes intense and profitability is decreasing, especially for those independent health screening clinics. How to strategically revive this industry with the supports of newly developed technologies becomes a central concern of the industry. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the potential of strategic innovation for the health screening industry by applying various strategy theories. Specifically, this thesis suggests a change of business definition from the disease-centered business design to the health-oriented one. By integrating knowledge of gene-technology and functional medicine with the existing health screen examination and collaborating with other medical institutions, the health-oriented business model could offer integrated and customized health screening services. Following the framework of value net, we further articulate such an innovative business model in terms of value proposition, scope of operations, profit capture, execution and strategic control. Implications of this business model and suggestions for both future researches and practices are discussed.


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