  • 學位論文

以頂空固相萃取法分析 口比 口井 類化合物含量與丙烯醯胺生成量關係

Correlation of the formation of pyrazines and acrylamide in food by solid phase microextract technology

指導教授 : An-I Yeh


目前分析食品中丙烯醯胺之方法係採用氣相層析質譜法(Gas Chromatography / Mass spectrometry, GC/MS),由於需經衍生化處理,前處理耗費時間較長,約需 2 天,無法滿足及時監控麵粉類食品中丙烯醯胺之產生。本研究係以固相微萃取技術(Solid-phase microextraction, SPME),分析 口比口井類(pyrazines)化合物的含量,藉以評估丙烯醯胺的生成量及其相關性。此方法的優點為分析時間短、操作步驟簡單與有機溶劑的使用量少等。 本研究以 SPME分析口比口井類化合物之最適條件係將5 g 樣品置於40 mL 的樣品瓶中,再選用DVB (Divinylbenzene)/CAR(Carboxen)/PDMS(Polydimethylsiloxane) 為萃取用纖維,於 60℃ 下預熱 30 min,再以 DVB 進行纖維吸附15 min,最後以 GC/MS 選擇離子模式(Selected ion mode, SIM)進行分析。本實驗方法可於 99 min 內完成待測樣品的萃取與分析,分析方法較為快速,變異係數介於20∼33% 之間。 食品中丙烯醯胺含量方面,分析結果顯示小麥類食品中丙烯醯胺的含量範圍介於24∼3497 μg/kg,口比口井類化合物含量範圍介於2∼4846 μg/kg。比較丙烯醯胺含量與口比口井類化合物之關係,結果顯示小麥類食品中丙烯醯胺含量與 口比口井類化合物含量,於二次回歸分析中具有正相關,判定係數(R2)介於 0.88∼0.94之間(n=10),顯示相關性良好。


Generally, analyzing acrylamide content needs 2 days by using gas chromatography / mass spectrometry (GC/MS) method. So it failed to immediately monitor acrylamide generation in wheat based food. The purposes of this study were to find an alternative extraction method by using solid phase microextract (SPME) to extract acrylamide content in food before GC/MS analyzing. The SPME technique saves preparation time, solvent purchase and disposal costs compared to the traditional extraction method by solvent. Several parameters of the extraction were optimized including types of fibers, extraction temperature, extraction time, desorption temperature and vials volume. It took 99 min to determine pyrazines content by SPME combined with GC/MS method in which the coefficients of variation between 2 to 33% were obtained. In this study, the contents of acrylamide in wheat food was in the range of 24 to 3497 μg/kg; the contents of total pyrazines in wheat food was in the range of 2 to 4846 μg/kg. A positive correlation (R2 = 0.94, n = 10) between formation of acrylamide and total pyrazines content was observed in this study.


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