  • 學位論文


The influence of content and structure of brand stories with different product type on advertising effectiveness

指導教授 : 練乃華


在實務上,我們發現有許多廣告都在向消費者說故事,證明許多廠商都喜歡透過故事的力量來說服消費者。過去學者對於故事型廣告的研究,多著重在探討如何說故事(how),較少提及該說什麼故事(what),因此本研究想探討,在廣告中說一則品牌故事對於廣告效果的影響,以及品牌故事該具有什麼樣的內容(what)以及該如何說(how),另外,本研究也想瞭解,商品類型對於以上的效果是否具有調節作用。 本研究採用2x2x2之實驗設計,其中品牌故事結構(敘事結構/非敘事結構)與品牌故事內容(品牌起源/消費者使用經驗)為操弄變數,商品類型(理性商品/感性商品)為調節變數,此外,還有兩組控制組,為分別在不同商品類型下,沒有品牌故事的廣告。因此總共分成十個組別,所得之結論如下: 一、不論品牌故事為敘事結構或非敘事結構,品牌故事的加入都有助於提升廣告效果。 二、相對於在理性商品的情況下,當廣告商品為感性商品時,在廣告中加入一則敘事結構的品牌故事對於廣告效果的提升程度較大。 三、當故事內容屬於消費者經驗分享時,理性商品的品牌故事會比感性商品的品牌故事被認為較不真實;但是當故事內容屬於品牌起源時,消費者在兩種商品類型的品牌故事真實性方面的認知,不會有顯著差異。 四、當廣告商品類型屬於理性商品時,品牌起源的故事會比消費者使用經驗的故事帶來較佳的廣告態效果;當商品類型屬於感性商品時,消費者使用經驗的故事會比品牌起源的故事帶來較佳的廣告效果。 五、不論品牌故事為敘事結構或非敘事結構,感性商品都會比理性商品產生較佳的廣告效果,然而,當品牌故事為敘事結構時,感性商品與理性商品間廣告效果的差距大於在非敘事結構下兩種商品類型的廣告效果之差距。


故事 敘事 品牌故事 商品類型 廣告效果


Many advertisers appear to persuade consumers by using the power of stories because many ads tell stories. Previous studies about story-form advertising mostly emphasize on the structure of stories rather than content of stories. Therefore the aim of this study is to understand if ads that tell a brand story would improve advertising effectiveness and what kind of structures and contents of brand stories will result in greater advertising effectiveness. Moreover, we also want to know if product categories will moderate the effect of brand story, story structure and content on advertising effectiveness. A 2x2x2 experiments was conducted. Structure of stories (narrative structure/ non-narrative structure) and content of stories( the origin of the brand/ consumer experience of using the brand) served as independent variables, and product categories (thinking product/ feeling product) served as moderator. In each product category, one control group without brand stories was conducted, resulted in 10 experimental groups totally. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Print advertisement with narrative structure brand stories, as well as with non-narrative structure brand stories, results in greater advertising effectiveness than print advertisement without brand stories. 2. Print advertisement with narrative structured brand stories of feeling product results in greater improvement of advertising effectiveness than thinking products. 3. As for brand stories about consumer experience of using the brand, stories of thinking products are considered more untrusty than feeling products. As for brand stories about the origin of the brand, stories of both kinds of products are indifferent in trustiness. 4. As for thinking products, print advertisement with stories about the origin of the brand results in greater advertising effectiveness than stories about consumer experience of using the brand. As for feeling product, print advertisement with stories about consumer experience of using the brand results in greater advertising effectiveness than stories about the origin of the brand. 5. Print advertisement of feeling products result in greater advertising effectiveness than thinking product when brand stories are both narrative and non-narrative structured. However, print advertisement with narrative structured brand stories result in greater difference in advertising effectiveness between both kinds of products than non-narritve structured ones.


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