  • 學位論文


An Ontology-based OpenGIS Web Service Architecture

指導教授 : 林峰田
共同指導教授 : 孫志鴻


長久以來,地理資訊系統所使用的地理資料,一直存在著資料模型和格式的不同,以及語義的模糊等資料異質性的問題。直到現在,在許多不同應用系統之間的地理資料共享,仍需進行資料格式轉換才能進一步使用,造成了資料無法跨平臺操作的問題。使用開放式地理資訊協會(OGC)所提議的開放資料格式GML,是目前地理資料共享的一個解決方案。資料提供者透過網路圖徵服務(WFS)提供GML格式的地理資料,將會是未來主要的地理資料共享方式,然而在網際網路的環境之下,即使以開放、標準化的方式訂立資料格式,在交換時,仍受到語義的限制,以簡單的文字查詢常無法正確搜尋到自己需要的資訊。 本研究以語義網與知識本體的概念為基礎提出一個建議:未來所有的開放式地理資訊服務本身,應讓領域中的專業知識者成為知識工程師,研擬空間資訊的知識本體,使用者可透過這個知識本體的參照來搜尋需求的資料服務。本研究參考國內外相關的研究,提出以知識本體為基礎的地理資訊服務架構,並以防救災空間規劃圖資共享為例,建立一個「防救災空間規劃知識本體」描述開放式空間資訊服務。這個知識本體定義了災害知識、都市規劃知識等等概念之間彼此的階層關係以及關聯性,用來表現真實世界的地理物件。 本研究在Eclipse IDE中,以Java語言整合uDig GIS應用程式及IBM IODT套件,實作出可存取開放式地理資訊服務、與查詢推理知識本體的地理資訊系統—Ontology and Open GIS Browser (OOGB)。OOGB是一個能理解、推理知識本體的應用系統、並包含了地理資訊系統的基礎功能。在這個架構下,地理資訊社群的資料需求者,都可以透過知識本體取得符合自己需求的網路服務。


For a long time, the GeoSpatial data in GIS exists the heterogeneity of data model, data format and meaning. Most data sharing still needs data integration between different application systems for using now. This results a problem of GeoSpatial data interoperability. OGC Geographic MarkUp Language (GML) is a solution of data sharing. It will be prevailing in the future that providers of data use Web Feature Service (WFS) to share data in GML format. Although GML is in an open and standardized format, there is still a semantic integration problem in data sharing. Users could not search the meaningful data sources with simple text query. This thesis focuses on”Semantic Web” and “Ontology”, and suggests that OpenGIS Web Services should refer to an ontology formalized by experts with domain knowledge. Users could search appropriate data service according the ontology. This piece of work reviews the related researches to propose an ontology-based OpenGIS web service architecture, and applies to a disaster management system as an illustration. This research has built an ontology of spatial disaster planning for the OpenGIS web service. Such ontology defines many classes and relation among these concepts of the knowledge of disaster and urban planning and be able to present the geographic objects in the real world. This thesis use Eclipse IDE, uDig application and IBM toolkit with Java language to implement a GIS, called “Ontology and Open GIS Browser (OOGB).” Users could use OOGB to retrieve the OpenGIS web service, query and reason ontology in GIS. Using the architecture described in this thesis, the users in GIS community could retrieve meaningful data services based on ontology.


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