  • 學位論文


Comparison of Perceived Family Needs Between Nurses and Family Members of Patients in RICU

指導教授 : 楊銘欽


本研究之目的為比較呼吸加護病房病人家屬與護理人員各自在家屬需要重要程度與需要是否獲得之認定的情形,同時探討病人家屬與護理人員對需要認定之相關因素。研究方法為橫斷式研究法;研究對象取自北部地區一家醫學中心、一家區域醫院之呼吸加護病房病人之家屬與護理人員;研究工具分別以「呼吸加護病房病人家屬自覺需要問卷表」與「呼吸加護病房護理人員對病人家屬需要認定問卷表」來收集研究資料,各得有效問卷為家屬的60份、護理人員的63份。 將所收集的資料以次數、百分比、平均值、標準差、雙變項及多變項分析來進行資料處理與分析。其結果如下:(一)在比較各項需要重要程度的認定上,前十項需要中護理人員有兩項與家屬的不同;比較五大類需要重要程度的認定上,兩者的結果相似。(二)在比較各項需要是否獲得的認定上,前十項需要中護理人員有六項與家屬的不同;比較五大類需要是否獲得的認定上,兩者的結果則不太相同。(三)在各變項與需要認定的關係,結果發現家屬認定需要重要程度的相關因素有病人家中有多少位同住、是否有過加護病房探視經驗;而與家屬認定需要是否獲得滿足的相關因素則有家中收入、是否有過加護病房探視經驗、病人家中有多少位同住者。(四)護理人員認定家屬需要重要程度的相關因素有護理工作年資;而與護理人員感受家屬需要是否獲得的相關因素則有在加護病房的工作年資。根據研究結果在護理實務、護理教育、護理行政及未來研究方向提出建議,作為日後研究者與護理人員之參考。


The purpose of this cross-sectional study is to describe the importance and satisfaction of the family needs perceived by patients’family members and nurses in RICU, respectively. Moreover, factors related to the perceived family needs are also discussed. Main source of parameters for analysis came from a medical center and a regional hospital both located in Taipei. “the Critical Care Family Needs Inventory” are developed to collect information from both sides in RICU separately. Eventually, 60 questionnaires from family members and 63 from nurses are used to analyze. We use several indicators such as frequency, percent, mean and standard deviation to describe the data gathered, and both bivariate and multivariate methods are applied simultaneously. The major results of this study are as follow:(1) With regard to the importance of perceived need, there are two items out of the preceding ten diverse from both sides. But when divided into five categories, the distributions between two sides are similar in each category. (2) With regard to the satisfaction of perceived need, there are six items out of the preceding ten diverse from both sides. When divided into five categories, the distributions between two sides are opposite in each category. (3) Several factors are relevant to the importance of perceived need in family side, including the number of people living with patients、experience of visiting ICUs. Both factors above are also related to the degree of satisfaction, and household income is the third factor of this degree as well. (4) In nurses side, the working experience is the factor both related to the importance and satisfaction of perceived needs. The former refers to the aggregation of working experience, but the latter is more focus on the ICU working experience. According to the above findings, we believe that they would be contributive to the development of nursing professionals such as practice, education and further research as well.




