  • 學位論文


The Effects of Marital Status on Wealth Inequality: A Trend Analysis (1988~2005)

指導教授 : 蘇國賢


貧富不均的現象一直是社會階層化研究關注的重要議題,過去有關經濟安全的測量是以所得為計算單位,卻忽略財富更可能是影響經濟安全的測量指標。另一方面,婚姻地位會影響財富的擁有,本研究將婚姻地位區分為已婚、未婚、離婚以及寡居四類,觀察婚姻地位的差異如何影響財富的擁有以及變化趨勢,並且考慮性別的差異以及家中有無未成年子女對於財富擁有的影響。 本研究使用行政院主計處「家庭收支調查」1988至2005年的資料,以迴歸模型以及符合重複性橫斷面設計之趨勢分析方法進行實證分析。主要發現為:一、單身者比已婚者擁有的財富較少。二、離婚女性比已婚女性擁有的財富較少。三、寡居女性與已婚女性擁有的財富差異不明顯。四、對於已婚者而言,家中有未成年子女時則擁有的財富較少。五、未婚女性與已婚女性財富擁有的差距有逐年縮小的趨勢。六、寡居者與已婚者財富擁有的差距有逐年縮小的趨勢。七、離婚女性與已婚女性財富擁有的差距有逐年縮小的趨勢。 本研究作為台灣財富不平等的初探性研究,比較婚姻地位的差異如何影響財富的擁有以及長期趨勢分析,並且提出本研究之限制以及對未來後續研究之建議。


The disparity between rich and poor is always an important issue in the social stratification field. In the past, exports focused on income, one of the factor of the economy security, but overlooked the neglecting wealth can be a more powerful indicator. On the other hand, marital status could also affect the owning of the wealth. In this study, the researcher divided the marital status in four different catalogs, which are married, single, divorced, and remained. And trying to find dissimilarities of these four catalogs that may influence the owning of wealth and the changing trend, considering the gender differences and having nonage children that affect the wealth. This study uses data which named “The Survey of Family Income and Expenditure” in 1988 to 2005 from Directorate General of Budget, Accounting & Statistics. And do the analysis with regression model and the trend analysis which match the repeated cross-sectional design. Seven main discoveries are as follows. First, the single compared married own less wealth. Second, divorced female compared married female own less wealth. Third, the differences of wealth between remained female and married female are not obvious. Fourth, married people have less wealth when there have nonage children in the house. Fifth, the trend of wealth between the single female and married female is becoming convergence year by year. Sixth, the trend of wealth between the remained people and married people is becoming convergence year by year. Seventh, the trend of wealth between divorced female and married female is becoming convergence year by year. This study is the preliminary study of wealth inequality research in Taiwan, comparing how the marital status influence the owning of wealth and long-term trend analysis, and put forward the restriction of this study and the suggestion of future study.


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