  • 學位論文


The Sea Denial Strategy of PRC's Navy(1950-2006)

指導教授 : 陳世民


本論文以海上遏阻的概念分析中國海軍從1950年至2006年之間的發展。內容可以分為兩部分:探討海上遏阻的概念與分析解放軍海軍海上遏阻戰略的演變。兩部分皆運用歷史分析法。前者從海上遏阻與制海等概念的構成要件、戰略特性與戰史案例的歸納,釐清海上遏阻的內涵,以便分析北京海軍戰略的發展歷程。後者由於中國對外極度封閉其軍事資訊,故以兵力結構為分析解放軍海軍的基礎,透過主要武器系統的戰略屬性,輔以其他資料回顧中國海上遏阻戰略的發展歷程。 海上遏阻的概念為「排除、遏阻敵方使用海洋的能力,本身亦缺乏使用海洋的能力」。相較於制海排除敵方並加以控制的概念內涵,海上遏阻的戰略較為消極與局部。但因為軍事科技的進步,使得武器系統能以小搏大。於是受限地理、國力等因素無法在海洋上與海權國家爭雄的國家,紛紛採取海上遏阻戰略,並且透過個別的實踐豐富海上遏阻內涵,其中又以德國與蘇聯兩大陸權國家貢獻最多。 1949年後的中國受到國情與蘇聯的影響,使得海軍不僅引進了蘇聯的裝備、組織、教育系統與軍工產業,其新學派的海上遏阻戰略亦成為北京所採的海軍戰略。之後雖然歷經中蘇分裂、文革等衝擊,其影響依舊深刻。即便改革開放後的各項因素多有巨幅改變,但從兵力的整建與劉華清的計畫觀之,海上遏阻仍是中國海軍的戰略,只是範圍與內涵皆有擴張。範圍的擴張顯而易見,內涵的擴張則意味著制海等其他戰略目標的提供。在蘇聯解體後,北京又歷經環境的重大變動,惟海上遏阻的兵力結構只見強化,未見重大的改變。誠然中國目前因為貿易與經濟,使得海軍戰略有轉向制海的可能,惟受到地理因素、國力差距與台灣問題的限制,海上遏阻將會繼續佔據其海軍戰略的主要位置。


The thesis reviewed and analyzed People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) from 1950 to 2006 with the concept of sea denial. The context can be divided into two parts: the concept of sea denial and the evolution of PLAN’s sea denial strategy. The method to carry out both parts was using history research. The former part concentrated on the doctrine, tactics and equipment of sea denial by generalizing the history and related material. In sum, sea denial is to deny or impede enemy’s activities on the ocean and many land powers chose sea denial as its navy structure like France, Germany and Soviet Union. Unlike sea control, the goals of sea denial are attack, not protect, and this priority reflects the military structure of navy. The thesis took Germany in both World Wars and Soviet Union in Cold War era as example to explain how sea denial strategy worked and developed. The rear part focused on the PLAN’s sea denial strategy. Since 1949, Chinese navy has been influenced by the “New School” strategy of Soviet Union Navy widely and deeply because Moscow helped Beijing to build almost everything of PLAN, from school, organization to military industry until 1960. Although disturbed by the break between China and Soviet Union, the Great Culture Revolution and other events, PLAN has still kept its Russian style of sea denial until now. Even blooming economy in post cold war era inspires Beijing to pursue sea control strategy of PLAN, for the limitation of geography, national power and Taiwan, sea denial will continue be the core concept of PLAN’s strategy.


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