  • 學位論文


The Co-opetition analysis of Taiwan CATV industry

指導教授 : 陳文賢


隨著網際網路、寬頻傳輸、數位壓縮技術等科技之進步與交互匯流之趨勢下,視訊、語音與數據之三合一服務 (Triple-play) 已成為進入電子通信產業的基本條件,單一服務提供者將逐漸被潮流趨勢所淘汰。 本研究主要於分析國外電信與有線電視產業之發展經驗與趨勢,並確認台灣現行有線電視產業現況與競爭之後,以歸納國外資料與個人經驗,提出台灣有線電視業者未來可能策略方向,並以個案-X集團進行相關產業策略分析與探討,希望能提供業者一個參考。 面對險峻的產業環境,有線電視業者須以更積極與開放的態度面對固網電信業者的競爭,活用各種可能競合策略,包括:連縱其他MSO集團,進行上、中、由整合,與水準與垂直整合等方式;連結其他內容服務商,如線上遊戲、應用服務提供者等,擴大網路平臺效益;與非中華電信之第一類、第二類電信業者緊密合作;當然,亦須針對業者既有網路不停地加以改造與提昇,注意新科技_無線(如: WiMAX、UWB等),家庭網路(Home networking)之發展與演進,適時引進新科技以增加業者之自有競爭力,使有線電視業者不僅是一個實體網路提供者,亦是一個全方位的服務提供者;方能在競爭激烈的匯流產業中,佔有一席之地,並進而獲得成功。


The advance and convergence of Internet、broadband and digital compression technology has made the fusion of voice, data, and video (Triple-play) a reality. Learning from the development and evolution of global electronic communication industry, Triple-play has become a must for any entry player. Uni-serve provider (voice, data, or video only) will soon be obsolete. This study is focused on modeling from the progressing of global telecom & CATV industry as a means to identify the current problem of domestic industry. According to global information, and personal experience using the diamond model、Plaform concept 、Porter and network products diffusion theory to formulate a winning strategy for cable operator reference, hopefully it will aid Taiwan’s cable operators on laying out their future planning. And, choice one company_X group for case study for detail analystic and discussion. Every cable operator needs a more aggressive and open policy towards meeting the competition of Telecom operator. The only chance for cable operator to continue their presence in the industry is to change their management approach and to adhere to the two axis of policy-maintaining existing advantages and opening up new services. Notice the new technology progress, such as Wireless_WiMAX, UWB, home networking, and FTTx solution. In the properly time use the new technology, and makes the full-solution services operator is the final goal.


【1】The Voice Business Market Outlook Gary,Eastwood,Business Insights 2005。
