  • 學位論文


The Determinants of the Net Migration of Labor out of Agriculture in the Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃芳玫


從臺灣過去的經濟發展過程來看,農業曾是經濟發展的主力。然而隨著經濟的成長及工業化的過程,非農部門對於勞動力的需求不斷增加,由於農業部門和非農部門的所得差距不斷擴大,造成城鄉差距逐漸擴大。農村勞動人口的外流、老化現象,使得從事農業的人口減少,造成農業部門就業人口逐年下降。根據行政院主計處人力資源調查的結果,發現近幾年來臺灣農業部門勞動人口淨移出有減少的趨勢,顯示農業勞動人口有回流的現象。   因此,本研究將先從性別、年齡及教育程度等方面來觀察臺灣農業部門勞動人口的遷移狀況。另外,本研究主要想探討為何臺灣農業部門的勞動人口,在近幾年來有回流的現象。並且藉由國外關於農業部門勞動人口遷移的研究,歸納出影響農業部門勞動人口遷移的經濟因素,來探討這些經濟因素是否為造成臺灣農業部門勞動人口淨移出有減少現象的主要原因。   經由本研究實證結果的分析,可知教育程度為高中職以下的勞動者,會受到非農部門失業率、農業部門與非農部門之相對比率的影響。非農部門失業率愈高時,則農業部門勞動者之淨移出會減少兩者呈現U字型的關係;農業部門和非農部門之相對所得比率愈高時,則農業部門勞動者之淨移出會減少,兩者呈現先U字型關係,當相對所得比率到達一定水準後,將呈現為倒U字型的關係。 由實證結果發現非農部門失業率和所得會對農業部門勞動者的遷移意願造成影響,因此,若想要留住農業部門的勞動力,政府必須致力於改善農家所得。


From Taiwan's previous economic development, agriculture was the main force of economic development agriculture has a large influence of the economy. However, with the growing economy and industrialization, demand for labor of non-agricultural sector continues to increase. Due to the agricultural sector and non-agricultural sector from the widening gap, the urban-rural gap of income expands gradually. Rural labor force draining and aging makes the population engaged in agriculture decline and then cause’s agricultural sector employment to decrease year by year. However, according to the human resources survey results of Directorate General of Budget, we found that in recent years, net outflow of the employment of Taiwan's agricultural sector is on a decreasing trend. It shows a returning of the agricultural labor force. Therefore, this study will start from the aspects of sex, age and level of education to observe the employment migration of Taiwan's agricultural sector. On the other hand, this study attempts to find out the reason why Taiwan's agricultural sector labor force returning in recent years. And through the foreign studies of agricultural sector labors migration, to provide the economic factors of affecting agricultural sector labor migration, and to discuss whether these economic factors are the causes of Taiwan's agricultural sector labor force net outflow declining. By the empirical results of this study, the workers under high school will be affected by the unemployment rate of nonagricultural sector and the relatively share of agricultural and nonagricultural sector. The higher the unemployment rate of nonagricultural sector, the net outflow of agricultural sector workers will reduce; When agricultural and nonagricultural sectors have the relatively higher income, the agricultural sector's net outflow of workers will reduce, too. According to the empirical results, unemployment rate and income will affect the willingness of migration of workers in the agricultural sector. Therefore, if authorities want to keep the labor force of agricultural sector, they must be committed to improving farm income. For the impact of the unemployment rate, the government can provide more jobs or other possible ways to improve.


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