  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Potential Demand for Taiwan Tea in the Japan Market

指導教授 : 孫立群


本研究選定臺灣烏龍茶為研究對象,透過日本消費者購買茶葉行為之調查問卷,探討臺灣烏龍茶外銷日本的行銷策略。根據農產貿易統計要覽2006年資料顯示, 2006年茶葉總出口值為20,680千美元,其中輸往日本的茶葉產值為5,374千美元,佔總農產品出口的26%,由此可知日本市場對臺灣茶葉產業之重要性,儘管日本對食品安全和農產品進口管制相當嚴格;然而基於日本國民購買力高,對高價產品的消費能力強,以及與文化、消費習慣相仿,我們可以預期未來日本將會是臺灣茶葉重要的外銷市場。 由於農產品貿易自由化以及市場開放的影響,未來農業應朝向企業化和國際化發展,而且不僅是當前農業發展之主要方向,亦是產業各界需要共同努力的一致目標。本研究將探討日本消費者對臺灣茶葉的購買行為與其認知程度,分析其購買臺灣茶葉的決策影響因素,進而找出日本市場對臺灣茶葉的潛在需求,最後,研擬臺灣茶葉國際行銷策略,促進臺灣茶葉外銷日本市場。 本研究根據STP和4P的行銷策略擬定過程,首先找出未來臺灣茶葉在日本市場中的主要顧客,選定適合的目標市場,並提出可行的產品定位,進而擬定產品、價格、通路與促銷之國際行銷策略規劃。研究結果顯示,臺灣茶葉在日本市場中,「中壯退休族群」 (56~65歲之消費者)為主要目標市場,臺灣茶葉之定位在「送禮自用兩相宜」,並具高安全性的優質產品形象。 本研究針對臺灣茶葉在日本「中壯退休族群」市場之國際行銷策略,提出四點準則: 1. 產品特質應著重口感與產地的特色,建立臺灣茶葉產銷安全制度,有效管理臺灣茶葉產地標示與設計產品包裝,以提供消費者更多的產品資訊,進而建立日本消費者中健康與安全的產品形象。 2. 價格和促銷,以穩定目前消費者的願付價格為主要目標,加強管理品質,並以達到「物有所值」的優質臺灣茶葉形象為核心目標;並運用專業行銷機構,輔導國內相關之出口組織,以公關、媒體以及促銷之行銷方式,加強對日本消費者的宣導策略。 3. 行銷通路建議與日本當地的茶葉專賣店合作,提供日本消費者更多的臺灣茶葉資訊;此外,問卷分析結果也建議可增加超市之銷售通路。


By using the questionnaires of Japanese consumer behavior and the cognition of the Taiwanese tea, this master thesis try to find out a latent need of Japanese market in order to analyze decision impact factor that it purchases Taiwanese tea. Finally, it draws up a suitable international marketing strategy to strengthen the Taiwanese agricultural products promotion for Japanese market. According to the combination of the marketing strategy of STP and 4P, this research distinguishes the main customers of Taiwanese tea in the Japan in the future, chooses an adaptable target market, puts forward a viable position of product, and drafts an international marketing strategy programming of product, price, place and promotion. The result shows that the Taiwanese tea should aim at " strong and retired ethnicity" (56~65 years old of consumers) as the main target market, position Taiwanese tea in the Japanese market for presents and personal use in the future, and represent the high-quality product image of high safety. The international marketing strategy of "strong and retired ethnicity" in Japan: 1) Product Characteristic: it should emphasize the taste and the special features of the habitat, and build up the healthy and safe image in the Japanese consumers’mind; 2) Price and Promotion: it should stabilize the current price of consumer willing to pay as the main target, strengthen the quality of management in order to accomplish the high-quality Taiwanese tea image as a core target. Also, we can make use of experienced international marketing company to assist domestic related export organization and strengthen the promotional strategy to Japanese consumers with various valid marketing methods. 3) Promotion: we should cooperate much more with the tea specialty shop all over the whole Japan, so that we can provide the Japanese consumer more information of Taiwanese tea, and strengthen the construction of this route. Besides, the result of the questionnaire analysis also reveals that the proportion of "strong and retired ethnicity" to purchase our product in the supermarket is also rather high; therefore, we can also consider increasing the route of supermarkets in the future.




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