  • 學位論文

航空服務業資訊科技策略之關鍵成功因素研究 - 以A航空公司為例

A Study on the Critical Success Factors of Information Technology Strategies - A Research on an International Carrier

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


企業如何形成有效的策略,確保達成預期的目標,是經營上的重要課題。了解資訊科技策略的關鍵成功因素,有助企業形成更有效的資訊科技策略,並達到預期的成果。 本研究目的在提出企業規劃資訊科技策略的關鍵成功因素研究架構,建議資訊科技策略的規劃與執行可以由策略的環境、流程,以及形式與內容三項構面來觀察。並在三項構面上發展出一套衡量資訊科技策略的準則。環境面的衡量準則包括商業策略清晰度、商業模式清晰度、效益清晰度、競爭對手是否支持等四項;在流程面包括決策經營主管支持方式、組織支持方式,以及資訊部門資源與能力;在形式與內容面包括具體化策略藍圖、執行策略組織與技術架構。 本研究發現環境面的衡量準則中,清晰的商業策略、商業模式與效益,以及競爭對手的採用,對資訊科技策略的形成有決定性的影響,也是策略被接受的重要關鍵因素;在流程面衡量準則中,決策經營主管的支持是否為強力主導,是否獲得業務部門的全力支援,是影響策略推行的重要關鍵因素;在形式與內容面的衡量準則,建立有效執行策略的組織,以及明確的職責劃分與人力的分派,是策略順利施行的關鍵。 本研究同時指出,以資訊科技策略為趨動力的競爭潛力觀點,是資訊部門協助企業創造價值的機會,為確保資訊科技策略可以對商業策略產生正面的影響。資訊部門必需要具有結合業務與新科技的能力,並了解資訊科技對商業運作本質所產生的連動關係,以務實的業務眼光與敏感度,來說服企業決策階層接受新的資訊科技,並進而讓企業真正獲取應用資訊科技的好處。


One of the most challengable issues in today’s business operation is to form an effective strategy and ensure that it can be successfully implemented. Nowadays, IT strategies as a part of business strategies have crucial impact on the business development. Especially, IT technologies could bring opportunities for new business models or have direct impact on current business operations. Identification of the Critical Success Factors in the formulation and implementation of IT strategy can help enterprises to produce more effective outcome. The purpose of this thesis is to suggest a framework for the study of Critical Success Factors on the formation and implementation of IT Strategies. The framework consists of three aspects. Firstly, environment, Secondly, process, and Thirdly, forms and contents. The study is based on the three aspects to develop a set of criteria for the assessment of IT strategies. The environmental aspect includes the clearness of business strategy, the clearness of a business model, the existence of benefits and the references from competitors. The process aspect includes the support of senior managements, the way that the organization supports and the resources management abilities of IT division in an enterprise. The forms and contents aspect include clear IT road map, the organization to implement the strategy and IT architecture of the enterprise. The study shows that clear business strategy, clear business model, clear benefits, and the references from competitors are the major Critical Success Factors in the formation of an enterprise IT strategy. The supports from senior managements and the internal organization are also identified as a Critical Success Factors in the implementation of IT strategy. Lastly, when IT plays as an enabler to influence business strategy, it creates new opportunities for IT Division in an enterprise to add business value. IT Division must pursue the ability to glue business and new information technologies. IT Division, as a strategic unit in an enterprise, needs to understand more on the relationships between IT and business operations and put more effort to collect corresponding information. This can help IT Division to sell their idea and make the senior management buy-in their recommendations.


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