  • 學位論文


Movement Matters: Sociocultural Connotations of Travel Activity During the Song Era

指導教授 : 梁庚堯


一般而言,「定著」、「穩定」被視為傳統中國的主流社會、文化印象。本文則試圖從另一個向度──「移動」的視野觀察與理解宋代社會。   全文以「移動」為核心概念,旅行活動為分析對象,從語境、旅宿、旅人、道路(路途)、書寫五條軸線,架構宋代社會的移動風貌。   語境希望能掌握宋人對「移動」相關語彙的使用與其脈絡,以為回歸宋代旅行情境的基礎。然後進入旅行故事常見的場景──旅宿場所,從「空間」的角度探討這類場所的特質。至於活躍於場景中的主角──旅人,則突破主流視野,將注意力置於無名的大眾旅人。從空間轉移到人之後,接下來,眼光即再順勢轉移至旅人腳踩的路途。道路既是旅人前進的媒介,也是旅行活動中最具動態的部分。因此不但想要釐清人們對道路的認知與理解,也試著尾隨人們的眼光觀察道路的實景,以接近道路在旅人心中的意象。最後,討論與旅行活動相關的寫作活動,因為書寫乃是呈現移動經驗與交流移動經驗相當重要的手段。同時亦藉此進一步勾勒個人旅行經驗與社會大眾的關聯,試圖尋覓因旅行帶動而成形的社會資訊網絡。   大體說來,宋代無論士庶,生活中皆有從事旅行的機會,各種新的人際變化正可由移動的角度理解。但是面對旅行這種生活中的變動,當時人的描述和議論其實透露出,無論旅者或居者、士人或庶民,大家都仍心存忐忑,處於與旅行、旅人拉鋸的心緒當中。這使得資料的呈現上,既有人邁開步伐開拓前行,也有人焦慮難安憂懼畏縮,甚至兩種反應並見的情形。旅行確實也開啟了更多與新事物接觸的可能性。日記、方志、譜錄、筆記這些書寫體裁在宋代出現躍進性的發展,其實也向我們暗示,當時人因著各樣的旅行,引發物資、訊息的流通。它們的內容是旅行經驗的輸出,也成為另一段旅行、寫作歷程的礎石。


宋代 ,移動 旅行 旅人 空間 書寫 知識網絡


In contrast to general impressions of traditional China as a “stable” and “static” society, this dissertation explores “movement” as the key concept for observing and comprehending society during the Song dynasty. This thesis focuses on “movement” as the central conceptual framework to analyze travel. Moreover, the context of language, accommodations, travelers, roads, and writings as five elements piece together the features of movement during the Song dynasty. The first chapter explores the linguistic context of definitions and vocabularies of travel as the foundation for reconstructing the function and trends of various types of travel during the Song dynasty. The next chapter discusses the spatial variances of accommodations where travelers stayed on their journeys, an essential component of all travel stories. The theme of the third chapter is travelers. Furthermore, breaking with the narrow scope of traditional scholarship, this chapter focuses on the masses of unknown travelers. The fourth chapter describes the roads that led travelers to their destinations. Furthermore, this chapter not only researches the actual conditions of these roads, but also explores the different images of the roads that travelers reconstructed in their imaginations and shared in their writings. The medium of travel writing allowed travelers to describe and share their experiences with a larger audience. The last chapter examines travel writing in greater depth in order to explain the relationship between individual travel experiences and public perceptions of travel. Thus, travel created a variety of social connections and information networks that extended beyond the narrow roads that were actually traveled. In the Song dynasty, all classes generally had chances to travel; thus, we could better understand new social relationships from the perspective of travel. However, according to people’s descriptions and comments during the Song dynasty, whether experienced travelers or settled residents, literati or bumpkins, everyone feared the dangers of travel and had mixed feelings about travel and the prospect of being a traveler. In fact, historical documents reveal both the desire to explore and feelings of anxiety. Indeed, travel afforded opportunities to meet new people and to have new experiences. Diaries (riji), regional encyclopedias (fangzhi), miscellaneous catalogues (pulu),and jotted vignettes (biji) were new writing styles that flourished during the Song dynasty, which indicated how various types of travel increased the distribution of merchandise and information. The contents of these writings were the products of travel experiences and the foundations for future travel and journal writing.


Song dynasty movement trave ,traveler space writing information network


王兆鵬1994 《兩宋詞人年譜》,臺北:文津。
李豐楙1986 《六朝隋唐仙道類小說研究》,臺北:學生書局。
侯旭東1998 《五、六世紀北方民眾佛教信仰》,北京:中國社會科學出版社。
郭正忠1990 《宋代鹽業經濟史》,北京:人民出版社。


