  • 學位論文

是「福利」或「『浮』利」? 都市原住民婦女的福利使用-以台北市為例

Welfare Utilization Among the Aboriginal Women Resided at Taipei City:For Worse or For Better?

指導教授 : 鄭麗珍


隨著原住民從原居家鄉遷往都市地區移居現象漸趨明顯,原住民在都市的適應問題也逐漸受到主流社會的關注,其中都市原住民女性因同時面臨種族、階級及性別之歧視壓力,其處境較移居至都市之原住民男性顯得更為弱勢。為回應都市原住民之需求,台北市政府於民國八十五年三月設立「台北市原住民事務委員會」,是第一個設置原住民專責主管機關的地方政府,其為強化原住民婦女的福利服務,也特別針對原住民婦女制定相關的扶助條例及優先扶助辦法。自此,除一般的社政體系外,原民體系亦投入台北市原住民婦女的福利服務輸送。 本研究採用質化研究中的深度訪談法來蒐集資料,訪問九名設籍台北市並育有十八歲以下子女之原住民單親婦女,有關她們福利使用的歷程、在原民與社政雙元體系並行福利服務的使用經驗、以及與不同族裔服務提供者互動的差異等。綜合本研究的發現有三: 一、在進入正式福利體系之前,非正式的親族資源是多數受訪婦女優先求助的對象,但即便是非正式網絡緊密的原住民社群,其親族資源未必都具有支持性或工具性的作用。受訪婦女的親族資源普遍單薄,最多僅能提供短暫的扥育協助或精神上的支持,但正式體系的福利資訊往往來自於這些親人、朋友或鄰居等非正式網絡的傳達或轉介,非正式網絡是受訪婦女連結正式福利體系的重要媒介。 二、原民體系的設置的確提高了原住民婦女福利服務的可近性及文化性,但因台北市原住民婦女的福利服務輸送依循雙軌制的運作方式,而這樣的雙元體系的輸送模式常會導致求助婦女在兩個體系間疲於奔命,甚至成為福利體系間互踢皮球的受害者。又福利的「擇一」、「擇先」、「相同福利項目不重複補助」原則,使得多數受訪婦女最後仍僅能落腳在社政體系,未享有複加的福利保障。原民體系因受到社福經費及專業人力的結構限制,不論是現金補助或是非現金的福利服務,往往延續性不足,有些福利也流於表面,儼然是「浮」利。因此,原民體系的設立,受訪婦女普遍「心理上支持,實質上不支持」,在福利的雙重保障上,也有「心理上有,實質上沒有」的落差。 三、在與不同族裔服務提供者的互動經驗上,本研究發現的確有些原住民工作者因與受訪婦女有相同的族群身分及成長背景,較容易同理婦女的處境,特別 在工作初期較能與婦女建立關係。但也有受訪婦女考量到原住民人口數少,具群聚性,辨識度相對較高,婦女求助原住民工作者時會擔心隱私曝光的問題。整體而言,受訪婦女對於服務提供者的族群身分普遍抱持開放的態度,她們並不在乎服務提供者的族群身分為何,她們關心的反倒是誰可以提供好的服務。 最後,研究者根據上述研究發現,提出兩個思考方向:(一)如何落實原住民婦女的福利政策及服務輸送?(二)如何落實原住民福利服務輸送者的多元化設計?並提供相關之建議,以供原住民婦女福利制定者及實務工作者參考。


To meet the needs of urban aborigines,”Indigenous People Commission” was set up in Taipei City Government on March 1996. This was the first commission in local governmental level to mange aboriginal affairs. To enhance the welfare service of aboriginal women, the commission has drawn up some relevant bills and bylaws. Since then, there are two different systems delivering welfare service to the urban aboriginal women, one is the regular welfare system, the other one is the aboriginal system. However, do indigenous people really receive better services under the dual-systems model? Does the “Indigenes serve Indigenes” model improve the service accessibility and culture compatibility? This research uses the quality research methodology. Nineteen aboriginal women who were single parent with a child under the age of 18 and registered as Taipei City residents were interviewed by the researcher. Their histories and experience of utilizing welfare under the dual system and the difference of interacting with different ethnic service providers were asked during the interview. Following are three things discovered by the researcher: 1. Most interviewees seek help from informal resources such as family members, relatives and friends before utilizing the formal welfare system. However, due to the weakness of informal resources, most of their informal resources can only provide very short term help such as baby-sitting and emotional support... Nevertheless, most interviewees either get the information about the formal resources from their informal resources or referred to the formal welfare system directly by their informal resources. 2. The establishment of aboriginal system did increase the accessibility and culture compatibility when aboriginal women were utilizing the welfare. But, some women stated the dual system is not as good as expected... Some women feel got caught between two systems even victimized by the welfare. Because aboriginal women are not allowed to have a same kind of assistance from both systems. Overall, interviews feel they received more psychological support than practical assistance from the aboriginal system. In terms of welfare protection, psychologically, they do feel that they have double protection, but in reality they are not getting any extra protection. 3. Some interviewees feel that welfare workers with same ethnic and growing background are more empathetic and easy to establish the working relationship, particularly in the beginning stage. On the other hand, due to the small populations of indigenous people, some interviewees have concerns about confidentiality. In general, interviewees have open attitude toward service providers. Ethnic background is not their main concern; instead, they are more concerned about who can provide better service or who can assist them with their problems. Finally, base on the above finding, the researcher provide some relevant suggestions.


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