  • 學位論文


The Construction and Its Development of Concepts of Neo-Confucianism: A Study of Ch'en Ch'un’s Pei-hsi tzu-i

指導教授 : 夏長樸


朱熹是南宋最重要的理學大師,身為朱熹晚年所收的門人之一,陳淳生平兩次從學朱熹,最後他成為直承朱熹學說的高弟。在朱熹的門人之中,陳淳從事的是建立一套朱熹性理之學的字義觀念,這些性理觀念時有爭議,而陳淳試圖給予更清楚明確的解釋。 朱子學派在南宋影響廣大,陳淳於其間具有傳播朱熹學說的重要地位。他不僅是發展朱熹性理思想,並且衛護師說,經由講授朱學、排擊陸學,陳淳闡發了朱熹的教育思想,諸如「推究道理根原」、「下學上達」、「道問學」等重要的論學觀點。 在朱熹性理思想內容方面,諸如「理氣不離,不分先後」,「心有體有用,心統性情」,「鬼神只是陰陽二氣之屈伸往來」等觀念,陳淳有所繼承亦有所發展,本論文將詳述他在建立朱熹性理字義觀念方面的貢獻。 儒學教育在宋元時期得到了高度的發展,在諸家學派之中,朱子學派居於主流地位。朱熹門人後學繼承師說,藉由小學教育傳播性理思想,而陳淳的《北溪字義》即為其中的典型教材,後世學者極為看重陳淳此書,視之為「初學性理」的入門書。日後,無論是私學或官學,均受到陳淳此書的影響。程朱理學官學化、成為科舉程式之後,闡述性理思想的場屋用書日益增多,汗牛充棟,陳淳的《北溪字義》一書創立了性理之書的論述模式與書寫體例,實具有開其先河之功。


陳淳 北溪字義 朱熹 南宋 理學 性理之學


Chu Hsi was the important Neo-Congfucianism Master of the Southern Song Dynasty. As one of the students of old age Chu Hsi, Ch’en Ch’un only saw Chu Hsi personally twice in his life, but he finally had inherited in a direct line from his teacher. Among Chu Hsi’s disciples, Ch’en Ch’un wrote his dictionary or glossary in order to give a clear explanation of the disputed points about the terminology of Chu Hsi’s philosophy. On account of Chu Hsi’s influence, His school prevailed in Sounthern Song Dynasty. Ch’en Ch’un, Chu Hsi’s successors played an important role in it. He not only developed his teacher’s thoughts, but also safeguarded it. He gave lectures and defended against such philosophers as Lu Chiu-yuan disciples, so he promoted Chu Hsi’s educational thoughts such as “Seek the original reason推究道理根原”, “My studies lie low, and my penetration rises high下學上達”, “Pursuing scholarship of Neo-Confucianism道問學”. Ch’en Ch’un has brought forth quite a few innovations in concepts of Chu Hsi’s philosophy. From his series of theses “Principle and material force flock together, and hard to say which precedes”, “Hsing性is the principle of hsin心; Ch’ing情is the function of the hsin心; Hsin心is the director of ch’ing情and hsing性“, “Yin陰and yang陽are just the fluctuations of ch’i氣; one advance, one contraction, one dispersion, and one extension.” This paper expounds the explaining and amplying to Chu Hsi’s thought and the chief characteristics of Neo-Confucian of Ch’en Ch’un’s. Moreover, it brings to light his great contributions to terminology in the field of. Chu Hsi’s philosophy. Confucian education had undergone high development period in Song and Yuan Dynasties. Chu Hsi school education was the most representative and developed than any other schools. Chu Hsi’s disciples transmited their teacher’s hsing-li-hsueh through primary education. A typical teaching material was Ch’en Ch’un’s Pei-hsi tzu-i. His work gained profound attention at that time and was commonly called “Hsing-li Beginners guide”. To diferrent degree, both private and official educationion Ming and Ching Dynasties was impacted by Ch'en Ch'un's work. Since Chu Hsi school’s Neo-Confucian became the imperial examination, more and more examinations books of hsing-li were published. Obviously, Ch'en Ch'un's Pei-hsi tzu-i pioneer discussed model and writing style for hsing-li-hsueh性理學.


《朱熹哲學思想》 金春峰著 臺北 東大圖書股份有限公司 1998
《朱子新探索》 陳榮捷著 臺北 臺灣學生書局 1988
《朱學論集》 陳榮捷著 臺北 臺灣學生書局 1982
《朱熹》 陳榮捷著 臺北 東大圖書股份有限公司 1990
《朱子哲學思想的發展與完成》 劉述先著 臺北 臺灣學生書局 1981


