  • 學位論文


The Psychological Benefits of Waiting Room of Hospital

指導教授 : 張俊彥


病患及家屬對醫療服務品質的要求日益增高,提升醫院候診空間環境品質的重要性也相對提高,若能提高醫院候診環境品質,促進使用者獲得心理效益及健康的正向影響,可說是一舉二得。 過去研究指出人觀看室外自然景觀及室內植栽能產生心理的效益,而國內外針對候診空間之研究較少,尚未建立基礎理論,因此本研究為探索性研究,使用建築室內空間之影響因子納入研究架構,進行醫院候診空間綠化配置,瞭解候診空間綠化是否對使用者之空間知覺、認知及心理效益產生影響,並且比較不同綠化種類給予使用者心理效益之差異。 不同綠化配置對於空間知覺、空間認知及心理效益的影響使用獨立樣本T分析,結果顯示於有無綠化配置中,受測者對於候診空間的「色彩搭配和諧」、「空間很冷」、「走動容易撞到東西」、「設備已經破舊不堪」、「設備粗糙品質不佳」及「心情沉重」感受於有綠化配置較無綠化配置好;於真實植栽與海報綠化中,對於候診空間的「色彩搭配和諧」、「走動容易撞到東西感受」、「空間安排有次序,容易找到想去之處」、「空間安排安全」、「感受到歡愉的氣氛」、「做什麼事都會有人看著我」及「感到輕鬆自在」,於海報綠化的感受較真實植栽配置好;於草花與觀葉植栽綠化中,對於候診空間的「有寧靜的感覺」、「空間安排安全」、「空間髒亂」、「可做自己想做的事」及「必須聽命於人」感受,於草花與觀葉植栽綠化中有顯著差異。探討候空間知覺及空間認知對心理效益之影響,使用多元迴歸分析,結果顯示空間知覺中的噪音感受、色彩協調性及空氣品質,與空間認知中的氣氛感受、空間安排、私密性、設施舒適度及乾淨感能顯著影響受測者之心理效益感受。 研究結果可提供未來醫院候診空間設計者方向,藉由候診空間綠化達到改善候診空間使用者的空間知覺、空間認知及心理效益。


Patients and their families are increasingly demanding higher quality hospital services, including waiting room quality. Indeed, enhancing waiting rooms’ environmental qualities can provide users with psychological benefits and positive healthy effects. Although many researchers have connected improved psychological benefits to exposure to natural landscapes and plants, little such research has examined hospital waiting rooms, resulting in a lack of fundamental theories in this area. Therefore, this exploratory study subsumes the factors of building interior spaces, arranging and decorating waiting rooms with greenery to determine whether such objects affect users’ space perceptions, space cognitions, and psychological benefits using an independent sample t-test. The research also compared users’ psychological benefits from various types of greenery. The results demonstrated that greenery enhanced users’ space perceptions related to harmonious color arrangements and “cold” feelings, space cognitions related to colliding with objects easily when walking and disreputable facilities as well as rough or poor quality facilities, and psychological benefits related to feeling “burdened” more so than non-greenery decorations. Interestingly, posters of greenery resulted in better outcomes related to users’ space perceptions (i.e., harmonious color arrangements), space cognitions (i.e., frequent collisions with objects when walking, an ordered space arrangement in which participants can find their way easily, a safe space arrangement, a feeling of a joyous atmosphere, and a feeling of whatever the participant does someone is always looking at him or her), and psychological benefits (i.e., feelings of being relaxed and comfortable) than real greenery. Differences emerged in space perceptions (i.e., peaceful feelings), space cognitions (i.e., safe arrangement or dirty area), and psychological benefits (i.e., doing whatever one wants versus following others’ orders) when comparing flowering and foliage plants. A multiple regression was utilized to examine the greenery-affected space perception items and greenery-affected space cognition items in regards to psychological benefits; the results indicated that noise, color harmony, and air quality (in regards to space perception) and atmosphere, space arrangement, privacy, comfort through the use of equipment, and cleanliness (in regards to space cognition) affected users’ psychological benefits significantly. Thus, utilizing greenery in waiting rooms can improve users’ space perception, space cognition, and psychological benefits; designers should take these considerations into account.


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