  • 學位論文


A Study of Knowledge Originality and Knowledge Generality for Library & Information Science

指導教授 : 黃慕萱


本研究以引用文獻與被引用文獻作為近十年來(1997-2006)圖書資訊學知識來源與知識擴散的研究分析對象,分別從學科對象、指標程度進行瞭解與其演變。進一步比較圖書資訊學知識來源與知識擴散間的差異,哪些學科與圖書資訊學具雙向跨學科交流的特性,並探討各指標間之差異性與適用性。同時將圖書資訊學分成圖書館學及資訊科學兩大子領域,探討其知識來源及知識擴散之情形。 本研究利用書目計量學作為研究方法,以期刊影響係數較高之圖書資訊學10種期刊作為篩選樣本,圖書館學及資訊科學期刊各5種,並依期刊出版頻率系統抽樣10%,產生488篇文章。依據上述文章集合檢索引用文獻集合(5354篇)及被引用文獻集合(2402篇),分別作為知識來源及知識擴散研究分析對象。 本研究歸納以下結論。知識來源及知識擴散學科方面,圖書資訊學知識來源文獻及學科數較知識擴散多,學科分佈集中於前幾個學科。圖書資訊學以本身學科為主要知識來源與知識擴散對象,與電腦科學知識交流密切且互相影響。圖書資訊學具跨學科特性,但屬知識進口型學科,與學科偏應用導向有關。 知識來源及知識擴散程度方面,圖書資訊學知識來源的程度較知識擴散的程度高。從各指標來看,COC與WCOC著重跨學科引用程度,兩指標相關性極高,取代性大;Brillouin's Index數值易受樣本特性影響,適用於衡量分類較細之專利號或學科,而Originality及Generality則適用於衡量分類較粗之學科。圖書資訊學知識來源的學科自我引用率逐漸降低,而知識擴散仍以學科境內擴散為主,但與過去研究結果相比,對其他學科影響逐漸提高。 將圖書資訊學分成圖書館學與資訊科學兩大子領域,在知識來源與知識擴散的學科上,資訊科學傾向自然科學領域,尤以電腦科學為主,圖書館學則傾向社會科學領域。在知識來源與知識擴散的程度上,圖書館學均較資訊科學低,其學科自我引用率較高,顯示圖書館學較不具跨學科性。


This study used bibliometric methods to analyze knowledge originality and knowledge generality of Library and Information Science (LIS) from two aspects, disciplines and indicators, by using citing and cited documents for the past ten years (1997-2006). This study further compared knowledge originality and knowledge generality for LIS and discussed the difference and applicability of four knowledge originality and knowledge generality indicators, including COC, WCOC, Brillouin's Index, and Originality/Generality. In addition, this study also compared knowledge originality and knowledge generality for library science with those for information science. Subjects were citing documents set (5354 articles) and cited documents set (2402 articles), which were retrieved from 10 LIS journals, consisting of 5 Library Science journals and 5 Information Science journals, systemmatic sampling 10% (488 articles). The major findings are as follows. The articles and the number of disciplines of knowledge originality are more than those of knowledge generality and they are both concentrated in the first few disciplines. LIS has the interdisciplinary character but belongs to knowledge import of the field, which lends more but offers less its knowledge to other disciplines, correlating with applied field of LIS. Computer science and LIS interact and influce each other closely, and OGRI of computer science is more than 1. The subject self-citation (SSC) of LIS in knowledge originality has been trending down, whereas that in knowledge generality is still high meaning that the main knowledge transfers within LIS itself. However, comparing this finding with the past, LIS has more impact on the other disciplines. Using four indicators shows the extent of knowledge originality is more than that of knowledge generality in LIS. Through COC and WCOC, we can quickly know the rate of subject self-citation and citation outside category in one discipline, but two indicators can be replaced each other. Both emphasizing on the distribution of disciplines, Brillouin’s Index is adaptable to measure patents or disciplines categorized smaller whereas Generality/Originality is adaptable to measure those categorized bigger. Comparing library science with information science of knowledge originality and knowledge generality, this study finds library science is less interdisciplinay than information science and with smaller extent of knowledge originality and knowledge generality than information science. Communicating with other disciplines, library science is closer to social science and information science is closer to natual science, especially to computer science.


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