  • 學位論文


Analysis of Distribution Strategies of Online Digital Contents by Game Theory

指導教授 : 曹承礎


在網路頻寬持續提昇以及網路使用者人數不停攀升的情況下,各種各樣的數位內容可以更加容易的在網路使用者之間互相傳遞分享,增加了網路內容的多樣性以及豐富性,但也相對降低了資訊流通的門檻以及成本。此時,許多非法的資源流通情事於焉產生,網際網路上充斥著大量的非法的數位內容交換以及傳輸,影響的層面包括了音樂、電影、影集、軟體等等。盜版的嚴重性在數位時代似乎更加劇烈,這是因為數位內容本身的特性所致:極低的重製成本。 數位商品本身具有公共財的特性(非耗竭性、易重製及非排他性),因此跟實體商品最大的不同處就在於數位商品本身重製的成本非常的低,甚至幾乎不需要重製成本。因此,那些非法版權數位內容發佈者在發佈這些非法的數位內容時,並不需要付出太多的成本即可進行散佈。 串流媒體替非法散佈的問題找到了一個出路。數位內容提供者可以藉由串流媒體的技術提供消費者使用數位內容的管道,並且避免檔案被下載到使用者的儲存裝置中,甚至進行非法的散佈行為。然而,串流媒體對於消費者的吸引力是遠低於檔案下載模式的,因為在便利性、可攜性以及擁有感上,檔案下載模式具有絕對的優勢。對數位內容提供者而言,提供串流能力比起提供檔案下載的能力是需要付出更大的成本的,從網路的頻寬以及流量的問題到網站的安全性等等,都迫使廠商必須要進行更多的投資。 透過賽局分析我們發現回饋策略令消費者具有一定的組織規模時,其最佳策略為不進行非法散佈的行為。而具有檢舉機制的回饋策略則更進一步提供了探測非法散佈源頭的能力,透過阻斷這些非法散佈數位內容的源頭,我們將可以使數位內容商品市場回歸正常的市場機制。


Internet had become an important media to distribute digital products. We attribute this to the improvement of network bandwidth and compress technologies. As more and more resources can be found on Internet, this media changed the business model of digital industry significantly. Not only digital content provider can be benefited, consumers who had bought a digital product can transmit their own files to others easily and almost freely. We can say that the improvement of Internet technologies lowered the cost of transmission of digital contents, also lowered the bound of illegal transmission. Streaming is a solution to digital content piracy. Digital content provider can use streaming technology to offer digital content to users and prevent them from downloading files from content providers. Although streaming provides a secure environment for content providers to sell their product, it has some infections. Streaming content is more un-convenient then files and consumers feel they don’t really “have” these contents. Streaming also requires content providers to do more investment to improve their bandwidth and the security of their servers. In this paper, we found that feedback mechanism can make some consumers won’t do illegal distribution because of the rewards from content providers is better than doing illegal distribution can get. So, content providers can offer file downloading service to these consumers and this may be the best result to both content providers and consumers.


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