  • 學位論文


Anisotropic Optical Modeling of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes

指導教授 : 吳忠幟


近年來,作為高效率的有機發光二極體藍光材料,芴基化合物引起了相當的注意。然而,由於其在光學上的非等向性,需要建立一個新的非等向性有機發光二極體光學模型才能精確地預測它們的發光特性。 在本論文中,利用古典電磁學理論以及並矢格林函數 (dyadic Green function)推導出有機發光二極體之非等向性光學模型。依此模型,配合適當的元件參數,即可計算出元件的發光特性。 為了驗證該模型的正確性,首先製作了兩個分別具有非等向性及等向性光學特性的發光元件,接著量測它們在不同視角下的發光頻譜,並與理論計算的結果相比較。實驗與模擬計算的結果相當吻合,因而確定了此模型之可行性。


Fluorene-based polymers or compounds have attracted great interest in recent years as efficient blue emitters for OLEDs. However, often they exhibit anisotropy in optical properties. Thus, an OLED model which can accurately predict the emission characteristics for OLEDs containing anisotropic media is needed. In this thesis, with the classical electromagnetic theory and the dyadic Green function, the anisotropic optical model of OLEDs is developed. With appropriate parameters of the device, the emission characteristic can then be calculated. To confirm the correctness of the optical model derived in previous chapters, devices with anisotropic and isotropic materials are fabricated and measured for comparison with simulation results. Experimental results excellently match calculated results, therefore confirming the validity of the model.


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