  • 學位論文


A Study of Administrative Liability for the Civil Servants

指導教授 : 朱武獻


我國對於公務人員應負之行政責任係採「司法懲戒」與「行政懲處」雙軌制,二者均為對公務人員違法失職行為所為之不利益處分。此種制度之妥適性,向為學說與實務論究議題。 囿於特別權力關係學說之影響,我國公務人員之權益常受限制,且「重實體而輕程序」。迄至民國88年大法官會議作出釋字第491號解釋,認為對於公務人員憲法上所保障服公職之權利有重大限制或剝奪者,應踐行正當法律程序,並許其提起復審、行政訴訟以資救濟。惟除平時考核獎懲抵銷達二大過換專案考績懲處免職外,其餘對我國公務人員所為之懲處處分,尚未全面踐行正當法律程序。 闡明依公務人員考績法對公務人員所為之免職處分,應諸如作成處分應經機關內部組成立場公正之委員會決議,處分前並應給予受處分人陳述及申辯之機會,處分書應附記理由,並表明救濟方法、期問及受理機關等。不過至今我國對公務人員所為之懲戒及懲處處分,除考績懲處免職外,餘者尚未能全然踐行正當法律程序。如平時考核獎懲抵銷累積達二大過或專案考績二大過免職懲處,而不能與一般人民一樣完全享有憲法上所賦予之權利。近年來公務人員權益保障逐漸落實, 本研究乃藉由歷史文獻及相關理論為基礎,就我國現行懲處制度之法制面及執行面加以檢討分析,以發掘其缺失;且同時對德國及日本之公務員懲戒(懲處)制度進行探究,並與我國相較,俾取其長處,以供借鏡。也冀望本文最後所提之建議有助於我國公務人員行政懲處制度之改善,暨對學術界能有所貢獻。


The punishment for the administrative liability of civil servants in Taiwan adopts the two-track system of "Judicial Punishment" and "Administrative Punishment". Both of them are the non-benefit punishment for the illegal and delinquency behaviors acted by civil servants. Whether it is appropriate to establish the two-track system of administrative punishment out of the judicial punishment has long been a dispute between the domestic scholars and practical field. Due to the relationship between our civil servants and the nation in the past was influenced by Special Power Relationship, civil servants usually subjected to special restriction by some laws and regulations and could not share the same constitutional rights as general public. Furthermore, more value to substantive law than procedural law. The restriction on them only changed till 1999 after the No. 491 interpretation proclaimed the great limitation of people’s right to take civil service guaranteed by the Constitution. Therefore, such kind of punishment should follow the procedure of the law and those who are punished can have the right present their plea so that they might protect their right. However, the punishment made on the civil servants in Taiwan could not carry out the due process of law completely till now, except dismiss from service by merit punishment.( include : two great faults in daily evaluation without counteraction by awarding or dismiss of two great faults). This thesis, its title as " A Study of Administrative Liability for the Civil Servants "aims to investigate the related questions of the administrative liability for the civil servants, indemnify the lawful protection of promotion and discuss remedial procedure from the statute. In this study, is based on the reviewing of historical experiences and relevant theories to review and analyze the legal and execution aspects of the present punishment system in Taiwan to discover its defects; furthermore, it also studies the Punishment System for the Civil Servants in Japan and Germany to compare with Taiwan to lean their advantages and for reference. In brief, through the discussion expected that the suggestions at the end of this thesis could facilitate the improvement of our civil servants punishment.


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