  • 學位論文

公共圖書館發展性兒童書目療法服務需求之研究— 以臺北縣市國小高年級學童為例

The Demand for Childrens’ Developmental Bibliotherapeutic Services in Public Libraries: A Study of Senior Students in Taipei County and Taipei City Elementary School

指導教授 : 陳書梅


中文摘要 本研究旨在探究兒童、家長及老師對公共圖書館發展性兒童書目療法服務之需求。主要的研究目的包括:探討兒童情緒困擾問題之類型及其遭遇情緒困擾時閱讀圖書的類型;探討兒童在公共圖書館尋找情緒療癒相關圖書所遭遇之困難及其解決之道;瞭解兒童、家長及教師對公共圖書館提供發展性兒童書目療法服務的看法,以及所期望之服務內容;歸納文獻分析與研究結果,以作為未來國內公共圖書館規劃與提供發展性兒童書目療法服務之參考。 本研究採用半結構式深度訪談法,總計30位受訪者,其中包括10位曾經使用臺北縣與臺北市公共圖書館10歲至12歲之國小高年級學童、10位家有10歲至12歲兒童之父母與10位曾任教臺北縣與臺北市國小高年級之教師為研究對象。研究結果顯示,兒童情緒困擾問題可歸納為「學校」、「家庭」及「個人」等三個面向;而兒童情緒困擾時所閱讀之圖書類型,主要為「小說」,其次則為「漫畫」。兒童情緒困擾時所閱讀之圖書取得的管道,則係以「至圖書館借閱」為主。兒童遭遇情緒困擾時,多選擇其喜愛閱讀之小說、漫畫為其情緒困擾時所喜愛閱讀的圖書類型。 另外,本研究發現兒童在公共圖書館尋找情緒療癒圖書之方式,可歸納為「瀏覽書架」、「詢問館員」、「使用館藏系統查詢」及「詢問他人」等四種方式。兒童在公共圖書館尋找不著情緒療癒圖書之時,則以詢問館員為最主要的解決方式。研究結果也顯示,大多數受訪者表示館員未主動提供服務。 在對於圖書館提供發展性兒童書目療法服務的看法及其希望服務之內容方面,受訪者期望圖書館提供之圖書類型,依序為漫畫、小說、故事、繪本及笑話等。對於圖書館將圖書依情緒主題分類排架或展示的作法,則抱持樂觀其成的態度;至於在圖書館提供情緒療癒相關書單及解題書目方面的意見,則表示對協助其尋找情緒療癒圖書極有幫助。對圖書館設置專區提供發展性兒童書目療法服務之想法,受訪者指出應設置專區並提供專人服務,其設備以舒適、明亮為主。另外,對於圖書館提供遠距書目療法服務方面,受訪者則傾向利用圖書館網站提供之書目及解題書目。對於圖書館可以舉辦哪些情緒療癒閱讀相關活動的意見方面,兒童則較希望圖書館舉辦有獎徵答。針對兒童情緒困擾時與館員互的動模式,受訪兒童、師長咸認為情緒困擾問題屬個人隱私,較不易接受與館員相互討論圖書的模式。對於提供發展性兒童書目療法服務之館員應具備的條件,受訪者則認為宜具親切、熱心、同理心、喜愛閱讀等人格特質,並應曾受過包括兒童發展、圖書資訊學、諮商與輔導、文學、資訊、教育等領域的專業訓練;同時,還應具有互動溝通、活動策劃與執行能力等技巧。此外,受訪者認為公共圖書館可與學校、政府單位、書商、心理輔導等相關單位合作提供發展性兒童書目療法服務。


Abstract This study is conducted to explore the demands for children and their significant others on the developmental bibliotherapeutic services provided by the public library. The main purposes are: 1) to understand the types of emotional problems experienced by children and the types of books children would read when they experience emotional problems, 2) to find out the difficulties children could encounter while searching for emotional healing literature and the possible solutions for the difficulties, 3) to inquire the viewpoints of children and their significant others on the provision and expected content of the developmental bibliotherapeutic services, and 4) to provide useful insights, derived either from literature review or data analyses, as references for public library when planning and providing developmental bibliotherapeutic services for children. Semi-structured interviewing method was employed that amounts to 30 participants, including 10 ten-to-twelve-year old children, their parents (10 persons), 10 teachers of grades five and six in Taipei County and Taipei City. The results show that, the emotional disturbances experienced by the children can be classified into three categories: school, familial, and personal. The main types of books read by children when experiencing emotional disturbances are novels and comics. The primary way children resort to get the needed books is “to borrow from library”. The participants chose to read novels or comic books as a way of emotional healing when under emotional disturbance. Research found that children’s emotional healing books in the library can be categorized into four types: shelf-glancing, librarian-inquiring, searching WebPAC, and asking help from others. When the children had difficulty finding the book they need, they often solve the problem by inquiring the librarian, followed by asking help from other people, searching WebPAC, glancing through other books, giving up, and trying to search the book on the internet or to buy the book in the bookstore. Most of the participants stated that the librarians did not provide such service actively. As far as the demands and contents of developmental bibliotherapeutic services that the public library should provide, the types of books needed as expressed by the individuals are comic books, novels, story books, picture books, and joke books. The participants felt positive about librarian arranging specific bookshelves according to the kinds of emotion involved. They believed that the library would be very helpful for them to find the books needed if related bibliography or annotated bibliography were provided. The participants welcomed the establishment of specific corner and professional staff for developmental bibliotherapeutic services for children. They also suggest that the space should be comfortable and bright, and the plate or tag of the corner should be properly labeled. As far as the provision of distant bibliotherapeutic service, the participants opted for utilizing the bibliography or annotated bibliography on the website of the library. Prized Q&A was nominated as the most hoped-for activity for the library to hold. The interviewee thought that, since the emotional disturbance is a privacy issue, it would not be easy for the kids to share their problems with the librarian through book discussion. The participants reflected that the librarians who serve for bibliotherapy purposes should be warm, enthusiastic, empathetic, and book loving. People with professional background in child development, library and information science, counseling and guidance, literature, or education are preferred. Skills in communication and social interaction, as well as program design and execution are also critical. Moreover, the public library should work cooperatively with schools, governmental departments, book venders, and collegiate counseling programs in the provision of childrens’ developmental bibliotherapeutic services.




