  • 學位論文


The Genius Image In Dazai Osamu’s Literature--Based on “Seihintan”, ”Chiyojyo” and “Suisen,” the works of Dazai’s middle period

指導教授 : 陳明姿


所謂的「天才」,是指天賦異稟的人。太宰治自學生時代起便立志成為作家,在作家之路上跌跌撞撞,現在為公認的日本近代代表作家之一。但是,太宰治認為自己身懷才華,甚至堪稱為天才嗎? 要得到這個問題的答案,必得從太宰文學中言及「才能」的作品著手。本文以太宰治中期的作品、曾出現天才般的角色的「清貧譚」、「千代女」、「水仙」等三篇小說為中心展開研究。「清貧譚」中的陶本三郎、「千代女」中的和子、「水仙」中的草田靜子,三人皆有足以被稱為天才的才能,雖然在性別、時代背景、專長上有所不同,但在人物設定上有其相似之處:曾有過優渥的生活,教養良好,與家人一同生活,因為某種原因而使得原來的生活變調,最後面臨不幸的結局。而在個性上,雖然各有各的特色,仍有其共通之處。不特意追求財富,十分在意周圍的人的看法,認同才能的必要,自我中心,曾有前後不一的行為表現,對家人有一定程度的感情,不被人理解的孤獨等特色,在這三人身上皆可見到。除此之外,比起三郎和靜子的頑固,和子顯得沒有那麼堅持。三郎對於自己的才能並不感到迷惑,和子和靜子則是對於自身有無才華這點非常煩惱。因為無法確定自己是否有才,她們非常容易受他人的意見影響,一旦被人否定,便立即往負面方向思考,並開始懷疑自己。 這些性格特色,在太宰文學中也許並非天才般的角色獨有,但天才角色具有這些人格特質卻是無庸置疑。若是更進一步在太宰治身上尋找這些特質,會發現作者與角色之間並非沒有相似之處。對人或對己的不信任,以及將煩惱往肚裡吞、獨自一人操心、以致最終形成破滅的傾向等,在這三人和作者本身上可以窺見。雖說如此,太宰治並非一直如此負面思考,也有展現與作中角色完全不同的積極態度的時候。 藉由研究這些天才角色,除了可以看到太宰治心目中的天才形象外,也多少可以窺見身為作者的太宰對於自身才能抱持著怎樣的態度吧。


天才 才能 創作 他人 不信任 自我中心


“Genius” a person with extraordinary intellectual or creative power. Dazai Osamu aspired to be a writer since he was a student, and he was managed to stagger on in spite of failures, he became one of the most famous writers in the modern era in Japan. However, does he consider himself talented, even called “a genius”? To find the answer, it’s necessary to study the part of Dazai’s works that involved talented characters. In this thesis, “Seihintan”, ”Chiyojyo” and “Suisen” are chosen to be analyzed which were all written in Dazai’s middle period, and there are characters seen as genius. Toumoto Saburou of “Seihintan,” Kazuko of ”Chiyojyo,” and Kusada Shizuko of “Suisen” all have great talent in their fields. Although they have differences in sexes, living ages, abilities and so on, there are some similarities in their life. They have good education and a period of well-off life. Most of the times they live with families. Because of some reasons, their life had changed, and changes lead to unfortunate endings. They also have many similarities in their features. They don’t have strong desires for money. They act like self-centeredly and without principles, but at the same time, they care very much about others’ opinions. They get along with their families, but sometimes don’t put the families in the first position. They are lonely because they have no friends who really understand them. In addition, Saburou and Shizuko are obstinate, but Kazuko is not. To all of them, talent is very important. Saburou is confident of his talent, but not Kazuko and Shizuko, they are uncertain with their talent and so they are easily affected by others’ opinions. If they have been denied by others, they’ll start to doubt themselves and think negatively. In Dazai’s literature, not only genius could have these distinguish features but also others. However, it is certain that these genius characters have such personalities. Does Dazai himself resemble the genius characters he had creacted? The answer is not entirely negative. There are some similarities among them. They don’t believe in people or themselves. If they have any worries, they don’t share with others and only kept it to themselves. These negative thoughts might finally resulted in their self-destruction or even worse of all -- suicide. However, Dazai Osamu does not always think so destructively. He acts or writes positively sometimes. The analysis of the genius characters help find what genius images are in Dazai’s eyes, and as a writer, how Dazai thinks about his talent.


genius talent creation the other unbelief self-centered


