  • 學位論文


Using the Concept of Roughness to Evaluate the Policy of Underground Manhole

指導教授 : 周家蓓


近年,台灣地區人口增加,由於民眾對於民生需求,各種民生用地下管線日益增加,除了早年已埋設在地下之用水、瓦斯及電話線路之外,電力、網路及有線電視線路也陸續出現。由於管線的增加,各種維修管線所需的人(手)孔蓋因此設立於街道、巷道以及人行道上。人手孔蓋設於道路易造成路面平整度降低,導致用路者發生危險,且人手孔蓋充斥於道路上,相當不美觀,且遇到雨天時,孔蓋所能提供之抗滑力有不足之虞。以現況來看,人手孔蓋不論對道路或是用路者皆造成許多問題,鑑於以上種種理由,自民國96年起,各級機關開始推動路平專案,除了加強民眾通報之平臺外,人手孔蓋下地也為重點項目之一。 針對孔蓋下地之部份,有許多衍生問題存在,根據本研究對管線單位之訪談,各管線單位均認為一旦孔蓋下地後,將會產生許多問題,包括平時進行例行性管線維護時不易找尋孔蓋,發生緊急事故時延誤搶修時間,以及將孔蓋提升至路面,管線單位需自行負擔金費,對各管線單位而言無疑是沉重的負擔。 本研究欲利用平坦度的觀點,探討孔蓋下地是否有其必要性。首先利用研究團隊所蒐集之台北縣與台北市鋪面影像及平坦度同步資料,探討孔蓋與IRI值之關聯性,接著利用模擬之方式將孔蓋平順化,以模擬孔蓋下地後對道路平坦度之影響,最後對97年度執行路平專案之辛亥路進行專案執行前後平坦度檢測,藉此探討執行專案後對道路平整改善程度,並以中華路二段及林森北路長期監測資料得知孔蓋下地後影響道路服務績效之時間點,還有利用中華路二段、林森北路及只有執行路面銑鋪與孔蓋齊平之基隆路,比較執行下地及無執行下地兩種方式何者對道路服務績效影響較大。根據上述結果,配合對道路主管機關及管線單位之訪談,於研究最後對孔蓋下地政策之必要性提出建議。


Recently, the amount of Taiwanese increases. The people’s livelihood also increases. People want to have better quality of life. The government lays pipes under the road. In order to convenient to fix or maintain the pipe, the pipe organization set up many manholes. As a result of bad plan, the amount of manhole is amazing. We can see manhole on the road anywhere. It will produce many problems for road user. Therefore, the government has tried to carry out the Plan of Road Smoothness since 2007. Manhole cover is undergrounded that be a very important item in this plan. Although manhole is undergrounded that can solve many problems, for pipe organization it will produce more problems. It will let pipe organization fix or maintain pipe not easy and quickly. In the future, if pipe organization wants let manhole has same height level with road surface, they have to pay the outlay by themselves. It is a huge load for pipe organization. Therefore, this study wants to use the concept of roughness to evaluate the policy of underground manhole. First find the relationship between the amount of manhole and IRI. Next simulate the manhole that have the same level with the road surface. Then inspect the road which has already let the manhole underground. In addition to compare whit the road this doesn’t let manhole underground. Final, according to the information of inspection which has been half years to find the period that the smoothness of road which will be influenced by underground manhole. Beside this, this study will interview the pipe organization and road management organization. Final, this study will provide some suggests for the policy of underground manhole.


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