  • 學位論文


A survey of the animal welfare status of dairy cows in Taiwan using the criteria of Farm Animal Welfare Council in United Kingdom

指導教授 : 費昌勇
共同指導教授 : 徐濟泰


近年來,台灣酪農業朝向集約式(intensive farming)的管理方向發展。另外,經由政府和酪農的努力,以及飼養技術的進步,每頭牛年產乳量逐年遞增,可達每年每頭6,000公斤以上。由於台灣地狹人綢,因此乳牛場經營模式為全年圈養的方式,在空間受限的環境下,飼養密度的提高以及產乳量的增加,勢必讓人擔心動物福利問題的產生。因此本研究於全台隨機挑選53戶乳牛場進行現場評估,依據英國農場動物福利委員會(FAWC)之乳牛動物福利原則,將之整理成包含80個項目之評估方法,用來評估台灣乳牛場之經營管理方式是否合乎動物福利原則,以了解台灣乳牛動物福利概況,並對可改善之處提供建議。 評估項目共分為三大類別,包括「動物照顧」、「健康管理」、及「牛舍與活動區域」。評估結果顯示受訪乳牛場之動物福利符合率平均為74.6%。「一般健康管理」項目的符合率和乳量有正相關(r=0.36, P<0.01)。另外將受訪乳牛場依飼養規模分為40~99頭、100~199頭、200~299頭、300頭以上四個類別;依畜舍型態分為牛床、墊料、橡膠軟墊、及水泥地四種型態,進行不同規模及畜舍型態乳牛場之動物福利平均符合率、乳量、乳房炎比例和跛足率之比較。得出有顯著差異的結果為:畜舍型態為軟墊之乳牛場,其跛足率較水泥地高(P<0.05)。飼養頭數在100~199頭之間的乳牛場乳房炎比例較200~299頭高(P<0.01)。飼養頭數在100~199頭之間的乳牛場動物福利符合率較200~299頭低(P<0.05),200~299頭之動物福利符合率比300頭以上高(P<0.05)。由單一評估項目來看,「限制每頭牛每次精料採食量不超過4公斤」和乳量有顯著差異,符合該項之乳牛場,其乳量較不符合該項之乳牛場低(P<0.01)。 所有80個評估項目中,符合率偏低(低於50%)的項目共有17項,比例佔21%。其中符合率最低之前五項為:「制定書面健康與動物福利管理計畫書」、「分娩前,女牛應該訓練使用擠乳室以及牛床」、「不應該採用會導致疼痛以及緊迫之化學鹼腐蝕去角芽法」、「鋪墊料區域要有部分水泥地面可以讓牛隻自然磨蹄,水泥地面的糞便每天至少刮除兩次」、「跛足發生時有獸醫醫療」。上述五項乃台灣乳牛動物福利最普遍缺乏之處,可供酪農作為參考,從飼養管理方式的改善來提升乳牛動物福利品質。


乳牛 動物福利 FAWC 飼養管理 畜舍型態


Dairy farming in Taiwan has developed into intensive farming. The herd size of dairy farms has risen rapidly. Also, with the effort of government and farmers, and the improvement of raising skills, the production of milk increases year by year, reaches to 6000 kg per year per cow. Due to the high density of population in Taiwan, there is no enough space for the farmers to pasture their cows. Under the circumstances of limited environment, the increase of stocking density and milk production lead to the concern for animal welfare status of dairy cows in Taiwan. This study is to assess the current status of management, in the viewpoint of animal welfare, and offering our suggestions, using the criteria of Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) in United Kingdom. Totally 80 items of assessment were designed and categorized into three domains, comprising: animal care, health management, housing and loafing area. Totally 53 dairy farms were randomly selected and interviewed for assessment. The mean percentage of compliance score for the assessment was 74.6%. And the compliance score of items in “general health management” was related to the milk production(r=0.36, P<0.01). Additionally, the data of the three domains were presented and discussed in terms of the herd size of farms (40~99 cows, 100~199 cows, 200~299 cows, above 300 cows), and the husbandry system of farms (cubicle system, straw yard, rubber mats, and concrete floor), using T-test to analyze and compare the mean percentage of compliance score, mastitis rate, prevalence of lameness and milk production. The results showed more prevalence of lameness on farms using straw yard than concrete floor. The herd size of farms ranged from 100~199 cows had higher mastitis rate than farms with herd size ranged from 200~299 cows. The farms with herd size ranged from 200~299 cows had the highest mean percentage of compliance score. Higher levels of Milk production were showed on farms feeding more than 4 kg of concentrated dry feeds in any one feed compared to farms feeding 4 kg or less concentrated dry feeds in any one feed. 17 items of total 80 items from the assessment resulted in low percentage of compliance score (under 50%). The least five items were: “Each herd should have a written health and welfare programme produced.”, “Before calving, heifers should be trained to the use of the milking parlour and, where applicable, cubicles.”, “The pain and stress which can be caused by chemical cauterization mean that the method should not be used.”, “In straw yard systems, there should be an area where hoof wear will occur, in order to prevent overgrowth of hooves. Slurry should be scraped from all concrete areas at least twice daily.”, and “Where the cause of a foot lesion is not apparent, advice must be sought from a veterinary surgeon.” The survey results indicated the general problems on animal welfare of dairy cows in Taiwan, which also provided dairy farmers the advice to improve the animal welfare status of dairy cows.


dairy cows animal welfare FAWC management husbandry system


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