  • 學位論文


Applying Social Tagging to English Reading Comprehension

指導教授 : 孫雅麗


在過去,教學者通常使用單純的閱讀測驗,例如克漏字測驗、多選題測驗 (cloze test or multiple choice test),以瞭解個別學生英文閱讀理解的能力。在此研究中,我們期望透過社會性標籤 (Social Tagging),幫助教學者瞭解學生的閱讀理解能力。並且根據社會性標籤的特性:記憶、組織及分享,幫助學生快速組織閱讀文章的內容,分享更可以改善以往閱讀學習的死角。 根據以上目的,本論文發展了一個以社會性標籤為基礎的Web-based平台,Tag-based Collaborative Reading Learning System (TCRL),此平台幫助學生分享閱讀過程所產生的想法,並且透過社會性標籤,刺激學生反覆思考及再閱讀,學生再思考之後更可以提供討論的意見。 另外,為了達到瞭解學生閱讀理解能力的目的,本論文提出以標籤為基礎的閱讀理解評估方法,Tag-based Reading Comprehension Assessment (TRCA),並利用TCRL平台所搜集的學生標籤資料進行實驗。根據相關係數分析發現,在不同的前置資料處理方法下,皆顯示TCRL中的標籤資料確實能夠反應學生閱讀理解的能力。


The real pleasure of reading comes from catching what the author is trying to convey to us. In past decades, learning by reading is known to be challenging for both teachers and students involved. However, traditional reading learning is usually treated as an individual interaction between a learner and the articles being read, such that much important information is abandoned in this interaction, and hence, the performance of the constructed learner’s reading comprehension is significantly affected. To cope with this problem, in this thesis, we propose a Tag-Based reading approach to eliciting collaborative knowledge from EFL learners. The novel approach takes social tagging into consideration, and attempts to find out the relations between learners’ tags and their comprehension. An application to develop a collaborative learning system and the analysis of correlation between our method and traditional assessment has been conducted.


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