  • 學位論文


A Study on Factors Associated with Quality of Life Among Patients with Visual Impairment: An Example from a Teaching Hospital in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳端容


視覺障礙者是社會的弱勢族群,視力不良不但對個人的日常生活及工作造成極大的妨礙,也會影響個人的心理感受與社會人際關係,甚至個人的休閒活動都會受到限制。本研究之目的在於了解視覺障礙者的生活品質並探討影響其生活品質的相關因素。本研究採立意取樣方式,以中部某區域教學醫院眼科門診的121位視障病人為研究對象,研究工具為一結構式問卷,內容包括受訪者的人口學特質、疾病特性、社會支持量表,以及台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷。 由於本研究對象中,大專教育程度的視覺障礙者比例偏低,故將研究分析局限於115位中低教育程度的視覺障礙者。研究結果顯示視覺障礙者各範疇的生活品質得分,在生理健康範疇方面平均為9.12分,在心理範疇方面平均為10.21分,在社會關係範疇方面平均為12.58分,在環境範疇方面平均為11.05分。根據統計分析的結果,視覺障礙者的人口學特質變項中,有無工作與生理健康範疇、心理範疇、環境範疇生活品質有顯著相關;收入與生理健康範疇、心理範疇、環境範疇生活品質有顯著相關。視障者的疾病特性變項中,視障程度與生理健康範疇、心理範疇、環境範疇生活品質有顯著相關;視障年數與生理健康範疇、心理範疇、環境範疇生活品質有顯著相關;視障發病年齡與生理健康範疇、環境範疇生活品質有顯著相關;健康狀況與生理健康範疇、心理範疇、社會關係範疇生活品質有顯著相關。視障者的社會支持變項中,情緒支持與心理範疇、社會關係範疇生活品質有顯著相關;價值觀支持與社會關係範疇生活品質有顯著相關;實質支持與心理範疇、社會關係範疇生活品質有顯著相關。由逐步複迴歸分析發現,視覺障礙者生活品質的重要預測因子,在生理健康範疇為有無工作、健康狀況。在心理範疇為有無工作、健康狀況、情緒支持。在社會關係範疇為價值觀支持。在環境範疇為有無工作、視障程度及視障年數。 建議醫療人員對於視覺障礙者,除了治療其生理的疾病外,還要兼顧視障者的心理層面的問題,關心患者並給予鼓勵與支持。政府有關單位對於視覺障礙者,應積極協助克服求學與就業的困難,並且提供看護人員的相關資訊及補助,使視障者能夠享有較好的生活品質。


The purposes of this study were to explore the quality of life (QOL) and its related factors among patients with visual impairment. Purposive sampling was used to collect data from 121 outpatients came from the ophthalmology department of a teaching hospital in central Taiwan. The structured questionnaires applied in this study contained demographic data, clinical characteristics, social support scale and WHOQOL-BREF Taiwan version. Our analysis focused on the 115 patients with lower education level because there were few patients with higher education in the collected sample. The results of this study reveal that the mean score of QOL among visual impaired patients was 9.12 in physical domain, 10.21 in psychological domain, 12.58 in social domain and 11.05 in environmental domain. Among the demographic characteristics, job and income are significantly associated with their physical, psychological and environmental QOL. Among the clinical characteristics, the degree and duration of visual impairment are significantly associated with their physical, psychological and environmental QOL, the age of visual impairment onset is significantly associated with their physical and environmental QOL, and the general health condition is significantly associated with their physical, psychological and social QOL. Among the socially supportive behaviors, emotional and instrumental support is significantly associated with their psychological and social QOL, and appraisal support is significantly associated with their social QOL. According to the stepwise multiple regression models, the best predicting factors are job and general health condition in physical domain; job, general health condition and emotional support in psychological domain; appraisal support in social domain; job, degree of impairment and duration of impairment in environmental domain. We suggest that medical staff should pay attention to the psychological aspect of the visual impaired patients, not only to the physical conditions. We also suggest that health administrators should help the visual impaired patients to overcome obstacles in education and employment, and provide them information and allowance to get caregivers.


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姚開屏:台灣版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷之發展與應用。台灣醫學 2002; 6(3) : 193-200。
陸玓玲:台灣地區生活品質研究概況。中華衛誌 1998; 17(6) : 442-457。


