  • 學位論文


Foreign Brides in Taiwan: How Natal Homes and NGOs Helped

指導教授 : 姜蘭虹


摘 要 本研究旨在於探討台灣的外籍配偶,在台灣這個移入社會當中,如何運用自身的原鄉背景,以及移入社會所能夠提供的社會資源,發展出自我認同。 隨著外籍配偶在台人數的增加,外籍配偶這個議題在媒體報導與學術研究方面越來越受矚目。然而大眾關注的面向,比較偏重探討外籍配偶原鄉與移入社會之間的差異、所造成的「衝擊」。或有學者以鉅觀的角度,分析台灣與外籍配偶原鄉在國際經濟發展差距;由跨國婚姻仲介的研究當中,分析台灣外籍配偶人數增加,突顯出家庭對於傳統女性,所提供的再生產功能的需求;更有數量龐大的碩士研究論文在探討外籍配偶們子女教養的「問題」。 筆者透過非政府組織的社福機構,接觸12位東南亞籍外籍配偶,以深入訪談的方式進行田野研究。本研究發現對於台灣的外籍配偶們而言,人際網絡的開展對於其在台生活有重大的助益。不論是與夫家親屬之間的互動,或與娘家的密切聯繫,甚至是參與非政府組織的活動,都有助於外籍配偶的在台生活。尤其是非政府組織,讓參與其中的外籍配偶,不只得到團體的培力、交流生活資訊和原鄉的情誼支持,使原鄉文化得以在移民社會開展,使外籍配偶能夠充分發揮其能動性。


Abstract As foreign brides increase rapidly over the years, they become highly visible through the attention from the academe, media, policy makers and NGOs. Most recent research examined the system of transnational marriage brokers, position of foreign brides in global capitalism, foreign brides’ social network in Taiwan, and status of foreign brides as related to socio-economic development of source countries. A large collection of graduate thesis deal with the enhancement of their status through Chinese language schools, and the education of the second generation. To fill in the research gap, this study looks into the families and source countries where foreign brides come from, to understand how in fact their natal families have a positive effect on reducing discrimination and gender stereotypes. Examples such as cooking skills brought over from their natal families to enable them to open restaurants, ways to organize post-natal care, or direct financial support from their natal families are discussed in great detail. Using qualitative research method of participation observation and in-depth interviews, the author was introduced to foreign brides through NGOs, and interviewed twelve women through snowball sampling method in the Taipei metropolitan area. The role of NGO’s are also important in their empowering process, as the foreign brides can liaise with others like themselves, obtain needs, and exchange information, and even lobby the government for establishment of National Immigration Agency. Through NGO’s, the cultural capital brought from their natal homes are well presented, and thus help to free them from the stereotypes brought along by their original national status.


Foreign brides empowerment migrant’s natal home NGO identity agency


