  • 學位論文


An Analytic Framework for B2C Electronic Commerce from the Perspective of Key Success Factors

指導教授 : 曹承礎


整體電子商務市場每年都維持高度成長,直到今日2008年,電子商務市場已成為各方矚目的焦點,成功案例所在多有,呈現一番網路新經濟的榮景。新興市場的潛在利益,吸引各方人馬競相投入,所以電子商務業者的背景是非常多元的,有網路技術行銷業者、傳統商務業者和各類創業家,這也是高度競爭的市場。然而優勝劣敗的現實考驗,在網路市場上只會有少數的成功者,和更多的失敗者。 成功者必有其關鍵成功因素,然而個別業者的內外在因素都不同,個別的關鍵成功因素有其特異性,階段性和連貫性,所以無法直接複製。近10年來已有相當多電子商務關鍵成功因素的相關學術研究,本研究目的即是要融合眾多不同研究觀點的成功關鍵因素,探討一個完整又可廣泛適用的經營決策思考架構,產生一組B2C電子商務分析評估工具,提供各分析構面的評量指標,事業經營者可以全面了解有哪些影響營運成功的關鍵因素及其本身的強弱程度,避免貿然投入或太多錯誤嘗試,虛耗資源導致失敗。同時,藉此擬定營運策略和執行方案,提高成功的機會。從策略管理的角度來看,還要因應市場,隨時檢視這些評量指標,以維持長期的競爭優勢而不墜。 本研究同時根據學理上的推演,建構這組電子商務分析架構,依據的理論基礎包括:SWOT分析、五力分析、價值鏈分析、資源基礎觀點(RBV)、平衡計分卡(BSC)等。並將此分析架構與上述文獻上的258項關鍵成功因素,逐一檢驗,反覆修正。最後並導入2個具代表性的B2C主題型專業購物網站的成功個案,驗證本研究的層級分析評量架構。具體研究成果如下: 1.本研究以理論縯繹法和資料歸納法2種方法相互檢驗的方式,從關鍵成功因素建構一組B2C電子商務的層級分析評量架構,以業者進入電子商務市場前後為界線,包括: A. 進入電子商務前的產業分析評量架構表。內在面向6個分析構面:產品行銷人才資訊財務其他共60項評量項目;外在面向6個分析構面:市場狀態、潛在競爭者供應商議價能力、顧客議價能力、替代品、PEST大環境共45項評量項目。 B. 進入電子商務後的營運策略評量架構表。6大分析構面:網站、產品、流程(技術)、行銷(服務)、人才(財務)、市場競爭共35項評量項目。業者可用營運前後期做評量分數比較,檢驗並調整營運策略。 2.針對2個成功案例進行個案分析,以評量架構表做應用說明,檢驗關鍵成功因素和評量分數。並作為本研究評量模型的成功參考指標(best practice benchmark)。


E-commerce market has been enjoying mass growth every year since years ago. Today in 2008, it still attracts all the focal point and attention. There are many successful cases in e-commerce business, of course, which present the prosperous new Internet economy. The latent benefit of emerging e-commerce market aggregates lots of investment from a variety of parties with diversified background, like Internet companies who are familiar with Internet technology and marketing, entrepreneurs, kinds of new-business investors and traditional companies. However, resulted from the reality of survival of the fittest, there are and still will be minority of winners in the highly competitive e-commerce market, with more and more losers. There are certain of Key Success Factors (KSF) of the winners. Yet the KSF of each are not reproducible, because they are individual concerned and have gradation and coherent continuity among themselves. Quite a lot of studies of e-commerce business key success factors (KSF) were published in recent decade. The objectives of this thesis are trying to analysis and integrate most of KSF from the studies, and to construct a complete and comprehensive business decision-making framework from the KSF. It means to construct a set of B2C e-commerce analysis and measurement tool, and to provide analytic indicators from different perspectives. Consequently, enterprise managements may be able to find out which of those key success factors will affect the success of their business and understand comprehensively the weakness and strength of their business respectively, to avoid investing rashly, wrong attempts, and resources wasting. In the meanwhile, enterprise managements may also possibly take advantage of this thesis to draw up business strategies and execution plan to enhance their probability of success. From the strategy management perspective, they also have to evaluate those indicators constantly in accordance to the market shift to maintain their sustainable competitive advantages (SCA). This thesis deduced an analytic structure of e-commerce on the basis of theories including SWOT analysis, five-forces analysis of Porter, Value-chain analysis, Resource-Based View (RBV), Balanced Scorecard (BSC). And, as mentioned above, it also integrated most of the recent KSF studies to establish a complete and comprehensive business decision-making framework. At last the thesis apply the structure to successful cases -- 2 representative B2C specialized shopping websites, to validate and verify the architectures. The concrete research results are as follows: 1.This thesis constructed a group of B2C e-commerce “analysis and measurement”frmaework by conducting mutual examinations of theoretical deduction method and data induction method. The architectures took before and after getting into the e-commerce market as two set of separate and comparable “analysis and measurement framework” evaluation tables, including: i.Before -- Industry analysis: A) 60 measurement items of 6 internal aspects including product, marketing, human resource, information technology, finance and others.B) 45 measurement items of 6 external aspects including market status, potential competitors, suppliers, customers, substitute, and PEST environment. ii.After -- Strategy analysis: 35 measurement items of 6 aspects including website, product, process (technology), marketing (service), human resource (finance), and (external) competitive strategy. The measurements are to be compared for a company with early stage and current stage to examine and adjust the strategies. 2.Carrying on the case studies and analysis of the 2 successful cases, the thesis commented and explained through “analysis and measurement framework” evaluation table. It examined the key success factors and scored as well to provide the best practice benchmark of evaluation model of the thesis.


27.鄭明松/陳信益/林佳慧,影響企業導入電子商務績效之企業內部因素之探討 中華管理學報第五卷第一期第1-22頁,2004。


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