  • 學位論文


Study of postwar(1945) Taiwan Hakka movement Based on "Hakka Affair Monthly" and "Hakka Monthly" Magazines

指導教授 : 彭文正 邱榮舉


客家人從明清時代遷臺,因渡臺禁令來臺較遲,人數上比不上福佬人,平原地帶多為福佬人盤據,再者械鬥因素而使客家人遷往山區發展,在政治、經濟上比不上福佬人,因而自信心喪失,在都市中成為隱形人,也造成母語的流失,為了生存不得不忍氣吞聲。隨著戒嚴令的解除,臺灣社會呈現多元發展,《客家風雲雜誌》便在此背景下創立,客籍知識份子洞悉社會脈動,發動「還我母語」大遊行,至此展開臺灣客家運動的先頁。 本研究以內容分析法分析從1987-2008年《客家風雲雜誌》與《客家雜誌》總共245期所有的篇章,觀察客家雜誌與臺灣客家運動的關聯性。從研究中發現,《客家風雲雜誌》政治性較強,內容風格以具批判的社會運動性為主,《客家雜誌》以歷史民俗文化為主,社會運動性較弱,行政院客委會成立後,客家運動性降低,批判性相對減弱。 《客家風雲雜誌》在客家運動是扮演一種於開創者、拓荒者、奠基者的角色,具有火車頭的功能,鼓動風潮提倡臺灣客家意識,發動還我母語大遊行。《客家雜誌》在接續《客家風雲雜誌》之客家香火後,與臺灣客家公共事務協會、客家電臺並肩作戰,共同推動客家運動,以客籍知識菁英作者群記載客家運動過程,作為客家運動的智庫,提供策略方向思考。


Hakka people started to move to Taiwan since the Ming and Chin Dynasty, however, restricted by the relevant prohibition law, the time of moving is later and he numbers is fewer compared with the Fuzhou people, who reside the most part of plains, enhanced by the issue of weapon fight, the Hakkas are forced to move to mountain area or other region for development. In the terms of political and economic performance, Hakka people are somewhat inferior to the Fuzhou people, the gradually decreasing confidence made them become almost invisible in urban area, and the mother language was about to fade away eventually; the Hakka people suffer various difficulties for living. Following the lift of the martial law, the development of Taiwan society became more diversified, the Hakka Heroic Magazine was founded at the time, recognizing the changes and tendency of society, the Hakka intellectuals organized the first rally “Restore our Mother Tongue”, the Taiwan Hakka movement therefore launched ever since. This study intends to analyze all the articles and writings in the 245 issues totally of Hakka Heroic Magazine and Hakka Monthly through content analysis. The author learned from the research that Hakka Heroic Magazine is more political and mainly publishes critical writings about social movements, while Hakka Monthly emphasizes the history and folk culture, values less social movements, after the establishment of Council for Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan, Hakka movements and critical activities decrease progressively. In the Hakka movements, Hakka Heroic Magazine plays the role as pioneer, frontier, and founder, provides the function of a locomotive, for agitating movements and enhancing conscious of Hakka importance in Taiwan, as well as launching the rally “Restore our Mother Tongue”. Continuing the spirit of Hakka Heroic Magazine, Hakka Monthly cooperates with Taiwan Hakka Association for Public Affairs and Hakka Radio, in order to progress Hakka movement and invite elite authors with Hakka knowledge to record the process of Hakka movement, for enriching the knowledge center of Hakka movement as well offering the future directions of strategy.


林吉洋,2007,〈敘事與行動: 臺灣客家認同的形成〉,國立清華大學社會學研究所。


