  • 學位論文


The Information Duty of Financial Transaction:Focusing on the Civil Liability of a Financial Institution

指導教授 : 詹森林


對於金融交易之資訊義務,本文首先說明金融交易之特性。蓋資訊義務在個別具體交易類型中探討,除了可逐步確立資訊提供之具體項目,減少法律面的不確定性,亦能就該交易的一般特性,建立一般性的資訊義務。本文分別從「保護主體」及「資訊不對稱」兩個面向予以說明。雖然金融交易本身具有資訊不對稱的特性,但是資訊義務的要求程度及範圍,相應B2B或B2C交易關係及對象,仍有所不同。本文研究認為金融交易資訊義務的真正基礎,來自於金融交易之資訊不對稱的消費關係,該消費關係的實質判斷,應佐以客戶分級,一般投資人始屬金融消費者。 其次,觀察我國實務現況,整體而言,金融糾紛案件不斷增加,一般投資人敗訴的機率相當高。整理目前金融商品或服務之實務相關判決,以連動債判決和投資型保單判決為主,洞悉實務就資訊問題及其法律問題之所在。 針對前揭問題,本文所探討的資訊義務類型,隨著交易型式及手法的多樣化,除了一般性的資訊義務,尚及於我國消費者保護法規定的定型化契約、訪問交易及遠距交易、廣告。分析方法係透過比較外國相關法規範要件及其效果,藉此了解「資訊不對稱的消費性的契約」,對於民法資訊規範之解釋與適用,有何影響?消費者保護法的資訊規範,有何不足之處?基於金融商品之特性,有無特別立法之必要性? 透過前揭金融交易特性與比較法資訊義務之探討,有助於確立我國法資訊義務,並藉此綜合評釋近期國內的金融商品或服務判決─規範面或具體操作面有待檢討之處。最後以「消費者與投資人之關係」、「民法與消保法之關係」歸結本文所研究之議題。 藉由本文的探討,期能滴注消費者保護意識於法院的資訊規範之判斷,並重視民事責任的深究。民事責任之建立,利於金融消費者事後獲得救濟,並事前導正金融機構不當銷售金融商品之行為。與金融監理之要求,共同發揮維繫市場運作,建立投資人信心的作用。


This thesis centers on the information duty of financial transaction, focusing on the financial institution’s civil liability. This topic is analyzed as follows. First of all, it’s appropriate to discuss the nature of financial transaction; therefore, the provided information under this kind of contract type is more specific. “Asymmetric Information” viewpoint helps us to learn more about the relationship between the financial institution and investors. However, in order to decide the scope and degree of the information duty, it is necessary that “asymmetric information” should be linked to the concepts of B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to consumer). Secondly, from the view of the practice, financial dispute cases have increased recently. Moreover, the function of practice puts the financial consumer, plaintiff, at substantive and procedural disadvantage. Then, covering the practical problems, this thesis explored different types of information duties, in addition to the general duty of information, include standard form conditions, doorstep selling, distance selling and advertising. Comparative law on these relevant issues provides us clear insight into our Civil Code and Consumer Protection Law. This study further suggests solutions to the deficiency in the law and practice. Through the discussion, the awareness of consumer protection, especially on the information problems, cannot be overemphasized. Morever, the establishment of civil liability will enable financial consumers to obtain relief and help to direct financial institution’s mis-selling conduct. The information duty gives rise to the information flow in today’s modern society. Once the duty is violated, civil liability actually plays a significant role in the financial market.


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