  • 學位論文


The Basic Administrative Organization in T'ang Dynasty

指導教授 : 甘懷真


唐代的基層行政組織以《通典》的記載最早見也最詳細,根據其記載唐政府設有三種基層行政組織,分別是「鄉里」、「伍保」與「坊村」等行政組織,三種行政組織分別以不同的方式組成︰「鄉里」組織以「戶數」為劃分的標準,分為百戶的「里」及五里的「鄉」;由自家和相鄰四家組成的半軍事組織「伍保」組織;由民眾實際居住地文劃分標準,分為居住城市內的「坊」與居住在城市外的「村」。 關於這三種基層行政組織的研究,經學者長期的關懷、耕耘,取得相當可觀的成績。雖然如此,有關唐代的基層行政組織的見解仍存在許多分歧。由於相關史籍中,未見對「鄉」級行政人員的設置與職能,因此「鄉」的存在與否以及假使「鄉」存在,那麼由何人負責「鄉」級行政職能,這兩個問題便成為討論唐代基層行政組織中爭論最多的問題。對此兩個問題,有眾多的研究,但這些研究時常缺乏「時間」的變化,將唐代的基層行政組織視為終唐四百年皆不變,忽略了制度會隨著時間、地域而做不同的變化。再者,這些研究時常專注討論其中一種基層行政組織,討論「鄉里」組織的同時卻忽略另外兩種行政組織與其在基層行政中的關聯性。 因此筆者希冀在以時間變化為主軸,討論唐代基層行政組織在不同時期的變化以及三種組織彼此互動、聯繫的情形。筆者將以中唐為界,分為前後兩個時段討論。中唐以前,在社會尚未大規模變化前,「鄉里」等基層行政組織的運作,應與《通典》、《唐六典》等唐人編撰的政書內的記載相差不遠;但仍可以貞觀九年太宗增設「鄉長、佐」與貞觀十五年將貞觀九年增設的「鄉長、佐」廢除,這兩個時段來討論。中唐以後,「唐宋變革」下,唐的基層行政組織除了既有的「鄉里坊村」等組織外,藩鎮體系下的基層社會則另有不同的行政組織,筆者也將分開來探討中唐以後既有的基層行政組織的變化以及藩鎮下的基層行政組織。筆者除了討論唐代不同時期間,基層制度的變化外,也希冀可以討論這些變化背後的歷史意義,提供一個理解唐代基層行政組織的側面觀察。


According “Tongdian”(通典), there are three basic administrative organizations in T’ang dynasty: “XiangLi”(鄉里)organization which formed by households that divided “Li”(里)formed by hundred households and “Xiang”(鄉)formed by five hundred households; “WuBao”(伍保)organization which form by your house and four neighboring houses; “FangCun”(坊村)which divided “Fang” that in city and “Cun” outside city. About these basic administrative organizations, there are many excellent researches by many scholars in a long time. Nevertheless, there are a lot of discrepancy between these researches. There are not any records about personnel and functions at “Xiang” organization on all history texts in T’ang dynasty, so every scholars doubt two questions: the existence of “Xiang” and if “Xiang” exist, who charge it? Many researches try to answer this two questions, but a lot of these researches lack “time-varying” that there is not change about “administrative organization” until the end of T’ang dynasty. Furthermore, these researches often focus on one of the basic administrative organization, so there are seldom integration researches about the basic administrative organization in T’ang Dynasty. I expect base on the principle of time-varying to discuss the variation of three basic administrative organization at different time in T’ang Dynasty, and discussing the interaction, association at three basic administrative organization. I will divide two period: before the middle T’ang dynasty and after the middle T’ang dynasty. Before the middle T’ang dynasty that before large-scale social changes, the function of the basic administrative organization should as same as the records in the “ZhengShu”(政書)likes “Tongdian” and “Tang Liudain”(唐六典)etc… . And we still could divide two period before the middle T’ang dynasty to discuss: the year of “Zhenquan”(貞觀)9 that “Tang Taizong”(唐太宗)set up “XiangZhang”(鄉長)and “XiangZuo”(鄉佐); and the year of “Zhenquan”15 that “Tang Taizong” abolish “XiangZhang” and “XiangZuo”. After the middle T’ang dynasty, on the “TangSong Transformation”(唐宋變革), there are different basic administrative organization on the area of “Fanzhen”(藩鎮)besides the original basic administrative organization. I will discuss two part, the one is the changes of original three basic administrative organization; the other one is the basic administrative organization on the area of “Fanzhen”. In addition, I expect to discuss the historical significance of all these changes at the basic administrative organization that provide a side way to understand the basic administrative organization in T’ang dynasty.





