  • 學位論文


From Plant Remains to Talk about Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction and the Use of Plant: A Case Study at the Shiqiao Site, Niao-sung Culture

指導教授 : 陳有貝


台灣考古學對於諸多考古材料多已有所研究,但在眾多的考古發掘報告或研究中,植物遺留僅佔生態遺留的一小部分,而近年來學者已逐漸了解其重要性,並開始對其進行研究,尤其是微植物遺留部分。因此本文以植物遺留中的孢粉、矽酸體和炭化植物種實為材料,進行研究分析,討論石橋遺址蔦松文化時期的環境與植物利用。   根據地形學與地質學的研究文獻及遺址現地地層推測,石橋遺址蔦松文化時期的地形為一東北高、西北低,高程差約一公尺的平原,古曾文溪(?)亦發生一次河道變遷,從原本出海於學甲一帶,改往現今河道南方發展,約在土城子一帶出海。此時的石橋遺址主要受到曾文溪的影響,而非海岸的影響。另外,再配合孢粉分析、矽酸體分析和炭化植物種實研究,得知遺址西北方應有水源的存在。 由於花粉的稀少,因而在石橋遺址蔦松文化時期的環境推論上無法進行,但透過孢粉分析、矽酸體分析和炭化植物種實分析,依然能對過去居住此地的人們的植物利用提供資訊,輔以民族誌資料,可知稻米、薏苡仁和破布子主要為食用,稻米和薏苡仁的採集為採穗而歸。竹來自採集,其功用為器具,包含獵具和武器,而芒茅屬可能為現地生長或採集而來,功用為燃料。另外,竹和芒茅屬可能為建材,但尚待未來對於石橋遺址柱洞與建築的詳細研究。苦楝亦是採集而來,非現地生長,作為燃料。石橋遺址蔦松文化層並無發現小米遺留,南科園區內多數遺址亦然,僅南科國小有發掘出土,如此地區上的差異,則有待未來詳細的研究。   由於石橋遺址的土壤多為細砂到粉砂級,對於孢粉保存不佳,不利於孢粉研究。而矽酸體分析則比孢粉分析易於使用於石橋遺址。透過本次研究發現,即使是細砂到粉砂級的土壤,矽酸體含量依然不少,未來研究可多利用矽酸體分析。


A lot of archaeological materials have been studied in Taiwan Archaeology, but only a small part research about plant remains. In recent years, scholars try to study plant remains, micro-remains especially. Therefore, pollen, spore, phytoliths and plant remains will be studied in this thesis. Using these materials to reconstruct the environment and understand the use of plant at the Shiqiao Site (石橋遺址), Niao-sung Culture (蔦松文化).   According to the research about the geography and the geology, the Shiqiao Site was a plain and the old Zenwen River (?)(曾文溪) also had once channel change. In this period (1,800 B.P.-1,300 B.P.), the Shiqiao Site was impacted by the Zenwen River, rather than the coast. Following the research about the pollen analysis, the phytolith analysis, and the plant remains in this thesis, there had a source of water near the site.   As the scarcity of pollen, reconstruct the paleoenvironment of the Shiqiao Site is very hard. Following the result of the analyses in this thesis, rice, job’s tear, and cordia were for eating. Rice and job’s tear were gathered the tassels. Bamboo also be gathered, and the function of bamboo was weapons or hunting equipments. Awn grown here or be gathered, and its function as fuel. Bamboo and awn also can be the building materials, but need the future research about the architecture in the Shiqiao Site. Millet is very special in the Southern Taiwan Science Park (台南科學園區), because it just can be found in the Nanke elementary school Site (南科國小遺址). The reason needs the future research to answer.


1979 〈科學測年方法在考古學上的應用:孢粉分析法〉,《人類與文化》 13:34-36。
1980 Quaternary Palaeoecology. London: Edward Arnold.
Bottema, Sytze
Bowdery, Doreen


