  • 學位論文


Development and effectiveness of an occupational health and safety course in college general education

指導教授 : 陳志傑


將安全衛生教育往學校教育扎根之概念發展的很早,但多年來不論中外,安全衛生教育的相關討論仍多著墨於安全衛生專業教育或特定科系的需求,關於讓一般學生廣泛學習安全衛生教育的嘗試與討論並不多見。基於所有學生畢業後終將進入各式職場成為重要的人力資源,將安全衛生之概念融於學校教育中使學生有所認識,早一些進行從認知到態度之養成,除了可在日常生活中避免相關意外的發生,也可對於將來職場上落實安全衛生管理與接受教育訓練成效有可預期之正面助益。 由於各國之教育制度不甚相同,可供融入安全衛生教育之機會與方式也有所不同,故迄今各國或各有不同之嘗試。台灣現今的社會與教育發展趨勢因大學錄取率大幅提升而導致進入職場的學歷幾乎已提升至大學畢業,且台灣的大學通識教育提供了一個可能的管道將安全衛生提供給所有的學生,因此推行大學安全衛生通識課程的想法於焉產生。這是一項有別安全衛生教育訓練與安全衛生科系專業培育的新課程,因此如何建立合適的課程內容以吸引大學生的學習興趣,並確實發揮其教育功效即為本研究的探討內容。課程發展前須先了解受教者的需求,因此進行一項全面性的抽樣調查以了解學生學習意願,進而建立一學期二學分的安全衛生通識課程架構及發展課程內容模組。課程模組初步建立後藉由實際修課學生之表現進行內容評估,以了解課程內容是否能達到讓修課學生的認知所有提升之基本要求。在課程大致符合此項要求後,採用其中八項議題內容形成一教學介入,採「不等的前測-後測控制組設計」評估此教學介入對於學生安全衛生知識、態度、自我效能與行為意向的成效。 共有933位大學生參與課程內容評估,結果顯示此安全衛生通識課程能顯著提升修課學生的安全衛生認知。且僅有2項議題-人因工程與電腦作業危害顯示自然科學背景的學生比社會科學背景學生的學習成效更佳,其他議題的學習成效則未受到學生科系背景不同而有所不同。而介入的評估結果則顯示綜合了介入與重複施測的刺激,介入組在認知、態度、自我效能與行為意向均有顯著的提升,且進步可持續至介入結束後一個月。綜而言之,安全衛生通識課程對於少有機會學習安全衛生的大學生提供一扇認識安全衛生的窗戶,並能協助學生更妥善的面對與處理現今生活中的安全衛生相關問題以及未來可能面對的職場挑戰,因此建議大學校園能更廣泛提供此類課程供更多的大學生有學習的機會。


The concept of integrating occupational health and safety (OHS) into general education during early career training has been introduced before. However, the OHS education focused largely on the on-the-job workplace trainings and the professional developments of OHS specialists. There were some discussions about OHS curriculum need of specific majors in school, but limited discussion about providing OHS education for general college students. Learning OHS at colleges could be a pre-employment training for college students, so to provide the OHS information before the individual enters the workplace on campus should be important. Most undergraduate students eventually enter the workplace and they would not have much opportunity to take the OHS related courses in their previous schooling before taking jobs. Therefore, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan initiated ISHALE (Integrate Safety and Health Awareness in Liberal Education) program in 2004, which was designed to enhance college-level occupational health and safety education. The principal goals of this work were to provide the OHS general course modules and to assess the effectiveness of this course. Before developing OHS general course modules, a comprehensive questionnaire survey of college students in Taiwan was conducted during 2003-2004 to assess student awareness of, and interest in, OHS topics and personal factors that may influence the motivation to take college OHS courses. A two-credit general education course including 16 OHS topics was then developed according to the results of this nationwide survey. A before and after study design without a control group was used to evaluate the students’ OHS knowledge improvement by this course between 2006 and 2007. Thirty-nine multiple choice questions were utilized to assess students’ OHS knowledge of 13 topics. After the primary assessment of the course content, a quasi-experimental, nonequivalent control group design with pre-post-follow-up tests was utilized to evaluate the intervention effects, which included OHS knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy and behavioral-intention of students in 2007 school year. The intervention design included eight topics and the evaluations were performed three times - a pretest at the first class meet, a posttest at the week after the eight topics were completely taught and a follow-up test in four weeks after the posttest week. A total of 933 students enrolled in elective OHS classes at 18 colleges completed both pretest and posttest. The overall content was found to be appropriate to most enrolled students. Furthermore, participants’ knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy and behavioral-intention improved significantly by the intervention. The improvements were still significant at the follow-up test. This OHS general course opened a window to the young adult to acquire certain OHS knowledge that might be misunderstood or unknown before. Through this window, students learn the basic concepts of OHS and promote their learning interest in OHS. Therefore, the OHS general education program should be offered for all undergraduate students. Giving students the opportunities to explore OHS shall be an important seeding for further OHS training at workplace after their completion of school education.


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