  • 學位論文


The Research of Project Performance Index for Construction Consultance Services

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


目前國內工程生命週期管理,僅針對施工階段評鑑管理,缺乏技術服務廠商執行技術服務之評鑑,工程會更指出有技師竟同一時間可承攬近百件案子,品質不佳,卻無制度可約束。本研究認為國內需要,也缺乏一套技術服務廠商履約績效管理機制與指標,若欲有效提昇工程品質一定得補足此一漏洞。 本研究目的為建立客觀之技術服務廠商履約績效評鑑指標,補足全工程生命週期品質管理缺漏。以工程會《建立機關委託技術服務廠商履約績效評鑑及管理機制》計畫為基礎延續研究。指標分為規劃設計與監造兩大類,並匯集諸多文獻、訪談、問卷以及專家建議後,整理出適當之技術服務廠商履約績效評鑑指標,設計品質共17項指標,監造共13項指標。並透過122份態度量表問卷調查方式,將受試者對評鑑指標之主觀認知與感覺加以客觀量化。問卷資料經過描述性統計分析、項目分析、因素分析、信效度分析後,建立本研究理論且客觀之最終技術服務廠商履約績效評鑑指標架構,規劃設計執行品質包含「專案人員素質」、「設計成果完整與正確性」、「預算編列正確性」、「廠商對計畫掌握度」向度,底下共包含14項指標;監造包含「監造工作落實」、「工地狀況記載與告知」與「是否採取行動確保工程品質」向度,底下共包含12項指標。並依公、私部門將資料分類進行差異性分析,統計出本研究中最重要之規劃設計與監造前五名指標,發現規劃設計指標有明顯共識。最後依據最終指標層級架構,將指標建立成評鑑表,並輔以五等第級距操作型定義說明,使評鑑者對於各級距認定較一致,並透過16份實際案例測試,經由個別指標填答分析、總分分析法以及專家建議,驗證各指標具有可用性,與級距說明正確性。 本研究問卷調查樣本,公、私部門比例相近且包含各相關單位及各階層人員意見,消除調查偏頗情況,指標經過嚴謹統計分析程序,消除主觀狀況,更輔以五等地級距說明,使用者認知一致,建立了客觀化之技術服務廠商履約績效指標。經由案例測試證明大部分指標皆可實際使用,指標之級距說明,有鑒別度,運用指標評出之分數與填答者直接給予廠商之履約績效分數非常接近,證明指標之可用性,可直接提供機關使用之。


The management of the construction project life cycle in Taiwan only focuses on the construction stage, and does not include evaluation on the contractors. PCC pointed out that some engineers are responsible for hundreds of projects at the same time, and this causes poor quality. The main goal of this study is to propose a method for the evaluation of contractors to improve the construction quality in Taiwan. The main goal of this study is to propose criteria for the evaluation on construction consultance services based on the PCC project of 《To Propose Criteria for The Evaluation and Management System on Construction Contractors Service Providers Entrusted by Entities》. My research evaluation indexes are divided into “plan and design” and “supervision” phases. I have proposed 17 evaluation indexes for “plan and design” and 13 for “supervision” according to past literatures, interviews, surveys, and suggestions of experts, According to 122 surveys, I have quantified the opinions of testers to establish an objective evaluation criteria. There are four factors in the evaluation of the “plan and design” phase: project staffing, completeness and correctness, correctness of budgeting, and degree of project acquisition. There are 14 indexes under these 4 factors. There are three factors in the evaluation of the “supervision” phase: implementing supervisor’s work, the record and notify of site condition, and to take action to maintain engineering quality. There are 12 indexes under these 3 factors. The survey results are analyzed to find diversity between the opinions of public and private sectors to find the top five important indexes. Finally we set a Usability test table with five range operational definitions, and use 16 cases study do some analysis for proving useful and correct indexes.


38.游宗憲、賴美淑,「建構醫療品質指標方法文獻之回顧」,台灣醫學期刊,第13卷2 期,2009。
