  • 學位論文


A Study on Demand and Service Strategies at Medical Tourism

指導教授 : 林能白


背景與目的: 在全球化的現象下,原本不能透過貿易交換的醫療服務,開始有了醫療服務外包的現象。隨著歐美地區因為醫療費用高漲、保險納保率低及醫療服務可近性的問題,越來越多人士到國外,進行醫療及保健服務的旅遊行程,改變了醫療及觀光產業的面貌。為了搭上醫療旅遊的風潮,台灣近年來依語言、文化、地理位置因素,選定先華人、中國人,後日本人、東南亞人為目標顧客,以台灣五大醫療強項作為主要推廣服務。但綜觀台灣主要推廣醫療旅遊之醫療院所,其提供的醫療及保健服務種類眾多,並沒有一個清楚的利基服務定位。另外,國內針對醫療旅遊的研究,少以顧客需求面來做探討,也未考慮健康照護體制的現況。故本研究以需求面為立基點,藉由推估日本、中國目標顧客的醫療旅遊服務項目需求,並與台灣醫療院所的專長服務供給比較,訂定台灣未來發展醫療旅遊服務定位之供需策略。 研究方法: 本研究首先進行供需比較,以問卷調查之初級資料及健康照護體系、觀光特性、保健食品趨勢等次級資料蒐集,推估台灣發展醫療旅遊的日本、中國主要目標顧客,其醫療旅遊之服務需求,並與台灣醫療與保健的專長供給服務比較。其次依文獻探討之經營模式為架構,針對個案研究採深度訪談方式進行探索性研究,以做為本研究之驗證。最後,綜合供需比較和個案研究,發展台灣未來醫療旅遊服務定位的供需策略。 研究結果與建議: 1. 日本目標顧客:在全民納保、涵蓋率廣的醫療服務提供及良好醫療體制績效下,應該先以保險未納入的服務為主,以觀光為主的保健旅遊為出發點。建議先以中醫及溫泉觀光做為結合,當作主要的推廣項目,之後再以中醫服務推廣其他重點保健服務(健康檢查與牙科)、中西醫整合治療及肝臟移植特色醫療。 2. 中國目標顧客:中國整體醫療體制存在著不公平、效率低、品質差的現象,所以台灣的軟實力對於未來發展醫療旅遊是很有利基的。在醫療為主的醫療觀光部分,中國民眾對於華人盛行率較高的肝臟移植最有印象,可納入未來主要推廣服務項目。在觀光為主的保健旅遊部分,則建議先以抗衰老、溫泉養生服務和健康檢查結合,做為主要的推廣項目。


Background and objective: Globalization makes medical services become tradable. Because of the problem of expensive health care expenditure, low insurance cover rate and low accessibility, many western country locals come to overseas to receive medical and tourism services. In order to catch up the medical tourism trend, Taiwan had already targeted Chinese, Japanese and South Asia people for consumers within language, culture and geographic factors. In addition, the services Taiwan serves are five competitive medical services. However, main medical services providers which promote medical tourism serves various medical and health services. There are no niche medical tourism services. Furthermore, the medical researches in Taiwan seldom focus on demand side and include health care system. In conclusion, the study focuses on demand side of Japanese, Chinese consumers and compare with supply side. In light of outcome, the researcher gives suggestions of services strategy on medical tourism in Taiwan. Method: Firstly, the study focuses on demand and supply analysis, using information of survey, health care system, tourism traits and health food to infer demand of targeted consumers. Secondly, the study explores business model by literature review and depth-interview. According to the demand-supply analysis and the case study, the research gives suggestions of services strategy on medical tourism. Conclusion and suggestions: 1.Japanese consumers: Within high insurance cover rate, extensive services provided and well performance of health care system, Taiwan may has more chances by providing health services which not covered in insurance. It suggests that taking Chinese medicine for niche services, and then extend to main health services (health check-up and dental services), integrated medical services and liver transplant. 2.Chinese consumers: The health care system in China exists inequity, low efficient and low quality, so it has opportunity for Taiwan to develop medical tourism. In medical travel part, it suggests that taking liver transplant for first services to be promoted. In health tourism part, it suggests that combining anti-age services, hot spring services and health check-up services for niche services.


