  • 學位論文


Cloud Computing Platform for Applications on Database

指導教授 : 郭斯彥


情境感知(Context-Aware)是現代計算機科學領域主要研究的議題。由於嵌入式計算技術不斷的進步,小型的感測儀器已逐漸深入了生活之中。但是,這些大量且連續產生的感測資料卻漸漸的無法被現今常見的關聯式資料庫(RDBMS,Relational Database Management System)所承受。置於雲端運算平台的資料庫系統其可擴充性雖然可以解決此一問題,但是雲端運算(Cloud Computing)平台分散式檔案系統(DFS,Distributed File System)的特性,使得使用者務必要重新學習新的資料庫管理方法。 本論文提出了一項置於雲端運算平台的關聯式資料庫管理系統,讓使用者可以透過JDBC驅動程式與SQL結構化查詢語言來操作資料庫。同時可以妥善利用雲端運算平台所提供的優勢,資料庫將會有更佳的彈性與可靠程度。


Context-Aware is one of the main focuses in the research field of modern computer science. While embedded computing technology had improved, micro-sensor devices have gradually gained their presence in our lives. However, the commonly seen RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) nowadays cannot handle the large quantities of continuously generated sensor data. The extendibility of databases on Cloud Computing platform Hadoop can solve this problem, but the feature of Cloud Computing, DFS (Distributed File System), requires the users to learn new ways of managing databases. This thesis not only presents a RDBMS on Cloud Computing platform which shows the user how to manage the database with JDBC driver and SQL (Structured Query Language), but also explains how to use the advantages of Cloud Computing platform to improve the elasticity and reliability of database.


Context-Aware Cloud Computing Hadoop HDFS Map/Reduce RDBMS JDBC CloudBase SQL


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