  • 學位論文


The Impact of Online Shopping Website Interactivity and Presence on Consumers’ Shopping Value

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


在電子商務環境的蓬勃發展下,線上購物逐漸滲入我們的生活中,成為一個重要的消費管道。儘管隨著網頁技術發展,網站能提供消費者更多關於商品與賣家的資訊,然而線上購物的買賣雙方由於不在同一個場所中,訊息的傳遞仍然受到了一些限制,因此線上購物網站欲透過網頁技術所帶來的互動性與臨場感,以減少線上購物與傳統購物方式的差距;購物網站互動性與臨場感的重要性皆已分別被驗證,然而卻甚少有研究同時考量兩者,因此本研究希望整理過去研究的看法,並建立一個互動性與臨場感影響消費者購物價值的模型。 本研究回顧了互動性、臨場感與購物價值的相關文獻,了解目前對這三個概念的相關研究,進而了解三者間的關係;根據文獻探討,建構出互動性、臨場感與購物價值之間關係的模型。本研究採用結構方程模式(SEM)進行研究模型的驗證,結果發現互動性顯著地增加購物價值(包括功利性與互動性購物價值)與臨場感(包括遠距臨場感與社會臨場感);遠距臨場感對社會臨場感與購物價值均有顯著正向影響;而社會臨場感對享樂性價值無顯著影響,對功利性購物價值則有顯著負向影響;此結果顯示了互動姓與臨場感的重要性,以及對購物價值有不同的影響。根據實證研究的結果,購物網站可以根據其狀況,利用此模型來訂定或改善管理策略,使用合適的網站功能建立消費者的知覺互動性與購物時的臨場感,以提高消費者購物價值。


With the vigorous development of the electronic commerce environment, online shopping came into our life gradually, and it has become an important way of buying goods. As the development of web technology, websites can give more detailed information about goods and sellers; however, there is still some limitation since the buyers and sellers are not in the same place. Thus, online shopping websites are using web technologies to provide more interactivity and presence in order to decrease the gap between online shopping and traditional shopping. Although the importance of interactivity and presence has both been proved, few have considered these two factors together, so we would like to develop a model to verify the relationships between interactivity, presence and consumers’ shopping value. After reviewing the literature about interactivity, presence and shopping value, this research adopted Structural Equation Modeling to verify the model we developed. The result shows that the perceived interactivity significantly increase telepresence, social presence, utilitarian shopping value and hedonic shopping value; telepresence significantly increase social presence, utilitarian shopping value and hedonic shopping value; but social presence significantly decrease utilitarian shopping value, and has no significant relationship with hedonic shopping value. The result indicates the importance of interactivity and presence, and different relationships with shopping value. According to the research result, companies can establish or improve strategies, and provide different website functions to increase consumers’ shopping value.


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