  • 學位論文


Development of an Integrated Environmental Control System with Expert System for Broiler Breeders

指導教授 : 周楚洋


由於近年來肉種雞產業以人工飼養的方式多已逐漸轉型成企業化經營,因此經營管理已成為中不可或缺的一環。完善的肉種雞經營管理系統除了具備現代化的硬體設備外,針對環境變化迅速做出最佳決策與執行的能力更為重要,目前雖有針對肉種雞所開發的管理專家系統,在專業知識及策略上的確具備專家的水準,但系統缺乏自主控制的能力,仍需藉由人力的方式間接調控現場設備,造成實際應用在雞舍中的缺憾。   本研究係開發一個智慧型的環控系統,監測方面使用一套遵循ZigBee通訊協定的無線感測器模組,針對溫度、濕度、照度等環境因子進行量測;控制策略依照已開發肉種雞經營管理專家系統所制定,並透過串列通訊的方式將電腦端的控制命令傳至微控制器,進而達到風扇、水簾及燈光等設備的自動化。 目前智慧型系統已發展出雛形,無論是無線感測器網路的建立或是具有專家知識的決策平台開發及控制電路建構都逐漸成熟。使用者能經由系統的人機介面直接下達控制命令,驅動風扇、水簾及燈光,也能夠收取環境感測資料。 系統根據一商用種雞場日常運作的環境條件進行模擬測試,結果顯示與專家系統所建議的管理方式及雞場實際控制情形吻合,使環控管理的自動化及無人化向前邁進一大步。


In recent years, the broiler breeder industry has been transferred from the manually raised style to the enterprise style, and the management is playing as a key role in this manner. A well operated management system of the broiler breeder farm needs not only the modern equipments, but also the ability of accurate decision making and prompt execution. Although we already have expert systems for broiler breeder management with enough knowledge base but they are still lack of the ability of automatic control, which may lead the indirect human control and causing the possible negligence and error In this study, an intelligent environment control system with a set of Zigbee wireless sensor module as monitoring system to measure the temperature, humidity and illuminance was developed. The overall control strategies were constructed according to an existing expert system and executed the automatic actions by serial communication port sending commands from a supervising computer to the micro controllers. With the completion of wireless sensor network, control strategies and control circuits , this system is getting mature nowadays, letting users send control commands directly through human-machine interface to actuate fans, pads, lighting and receive environment data from sensors. After a simulation test was conducted based on a commercial broiler breeder farm, it was found that the experimental results could match the real field operation. This reflects a huge progress toward the unmanned environmental control system.


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