  • 學位論文


The Development and Application of the Chinese Version of the Work Environment Impact Scale

指導教授 : 潘璦琬


工作環境衝擊量表(Work environment impact scale, WEIS)乃根據職能治療專業中廣泛使用之人類職能模式(the Model of Huamn Occupation)發展而來,為半結構式會談工具。該量表之目的為協助治療師收集關於有生理或心理社會障礙的個人是如何體驗並察覺他們的工作環境的資訊。WEIS包含17項題目,每項是以4分量表來計分。本研究目的為中文化工作環境衝擊量表,並檢驗該中文版應用在台灣精障者、家庭暴力受害婦女與一般族群之心理計量特性,包含建構效度、區辨效度、收斂效度、離散效度、內在一致性、再測信度與施測者間信度。 研究方法 工作環境衝擊量表經過一系列嚴謹之翻譯程序(正、反翻譯)以及與專家多次修訂的過程,以最終中文版本(Work environment impact scale-Chinese version, WEIS-C)對46位精障者、14位家暴受害婦女及60位對照組受詴者進行施測。同時亦施測台大症狀量表、中文版基本人格量表、貝氏憂鬱量表第二版、貝氏焦慮量表、工作滿意度量表、台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷、自我掌控信念量表、中文版工作特質量表、職能自我評估與中文版社會支持量表,以驗證收斂與離散效度,並了解受詴者之心理健康狀況與人格特質。前40位對照組受詴者在7至13天後再次進行WEIS-C之施測,以建立再測信度。共有6位職能治療師共同評對照組之10位受詴者在WEIS-C的得分,以驗證施測者間信度。本研究使用現代測驗理論之羅序模式分析WEIS-C之建構效度,並使用傳統測驗理論檢驗WEIS-C之內在一致性、再測信度、施測者間信度、區辨效度、收斂效度與離散效度。 研究結果 羅序模式分析顯示WEIS-C項目整體具有良好之單一建構。不同性別、教育程度、族群特性(精障者、家暴受害婦女和一般人)及施測者之項目難度無DIF。在使用ANCOVA控制教育程度、性別和社經地位指數下,個案組與對照組之WEIS-C總分達到顯著差異(F=4.764、p=0.031),其中第5題「與同事的互動」(F=4.512、p=0.036)、第7題「與上司的互動」(F=10.031、p=0.002)上對照組得分顯著高於個案組。而精障組在第7題「與上司的互動」得分顯著低於對照組。收斂效度方陎,WEIS-C與中文版工作特質量表(r=0.676,p=0.000)、職能自我評估的環境次量表(r=0.414,p=0.000)具有顯著中度至良好正相關。 WEIS-C之人際互動項目與中文版社會支持問卷具有顯著低度正相關(r=0.233,p=0.010)。離散效度方陎,WEIS-C與自我掌控信念量表(r=0.534,p=0.000)有顯著良好正相關,違反研究假設。WEIS-C具有良好之內在一致性(Cronbach’s α = 0.866)、中度之施測者間信度(ICC = 0.597)、極佳之再測信度(ICC = 0.998)。此外,WEIS-C與BDI-II(r=-0.380,p=0.000)、BAI(r=-0.303,p=0.001)、台大症狀量表(r=-0.396,p=0.000)具有顯著中度負相關。WEIS-C與工作滿意度量表(r=0.564,p=0.000)、WHOQOL-BREF(r=0.536,p=0.000)具有顯著高度正相關。WEIS-C與中文版基本人格量表的抑鬱、焦慮、內向、自貶、迫害、虛幻感和異常共七個次量表上有顯著中度負相關(r=-0.305--0.454,p<0.05)。 討論 WEIS-C可有效測量工作環境是如何影響個案的工作表現、滿意度與安適感,在不同族群上亦具有良好之心理計量特性,可提供臨床治療師與研究人員一個符合台灣地區精障、家暴與一般族群使用的評估工具。同時也是中文版首篇探討精障者、家暴受害婦女與一般人在工作環境中受到衝擊的差異,例如與同事和主管在工作上的互動,個案組較對照組易遭遇較大的負向衝擊,其中精障者在和主管的互動上可能更容易受到阻礙。本研究亦發現在工作環境中,工作負荷(包含工作所需能力、工作需要花費的時間及工作時間對其他角色的衝擊)對受詴者而言是較不容易獲得支持或容易受到阻礙的,尤其這對失能者而言,所受到衝擊的程度可能會比一般人更大。物理環境也可能造成個案在環境適應上的阻礙,這是以往文獻中較少被注意到的因素。以上結果可提供職能治療師與尌服員在處理個案尌業問題時,可多加注意的部分,藉由了解這些因素,有助於提升個案在工作環境的適應能力。本研究亦證實人格特質與工作環境的適配度之關連性,特別是與心理健康相關的人格(抑鬱、焦慮、內向和自貶型人格)對於環境會感受到較大衝擊的傾向,同時並提供針對精障者與家暴受害婦女族群的臨床建議和注意事項,期望提供職能治療師和尌服員等相關專業人員評估個案在工作環境的適配度或是作為重返尌業時的參考依據。由於WEIS-C為半結構式會談工具,藉由質性資料可了解不同特性的族群在不同的工作環境中受到了哪些支持或阻礙,以及受衝擊的程度和原因,且除了找到阻礙因子外,支持因子亦可視為個案的優勢,利用優勢替補或改善其不足之處,期望達到協助個案成功尌業的目標,並促進其身心健康與較佳的安適感。 本研究限制為一、受詴者皆來自台灣北部,且為方便性樣本。二、家暴樣本數較少,將結果推論至台灣家暴受害婦女之外在效度有限。三、為考量建立各題之再測信度,因而排除掉初次評分中有不適用者,但可能因此產生偏誤。因此應謹慎推論本研究果結果。此外,建議未來研究可透過質性研究更加詳細了解不同族群在工作環境中所受的衝擊與原因,並可再擴大家暴樣本數,再次驗證家暴個案在工作環境受到影響的情況。


The Work environment impact scale(WEIS)is a semi-structured interview and rating scale based on the Model of Human Occupation and designed to assist the therapist to gather information on how individuals with physical or psychosocial disabilities experience and perceive their work environments.The WEIS contains 17 items which are rated by four-point scale. The aim of this study is to translate the WEIS into Chinese and to investigate the psychometric properties of the WEIS-Chinese version (WEIS-C) for the individuals with mental illness, the battered women, and the normal subjects (as a control group), including internal consistency, test-retest reliability, inter-rater reliability, construct validity, discriminatin validity, convergent and divergent validity. Methods The WEIS-C is finished by following the procedures of “forward translation, “back translation” and “committee approach”. To examine the psychometric qualities of the WEIS-C, 46 participants with mental illness, 14 battered women and 60 normal subjects are involved in the study. Furthermore, Taita Symptom Checklist List (TSCL), Chinese version of Basic Personality Inventory (C-BPI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Job Satisfaction Scale, World Health Organization Quality of Life-Brief version (WHOQOL-BREF), Mastery Scale, Chinese version of Job Content Questionnaire (C-JCQ), the Occupational Self Assessment (OSA) and Social Support Questionnaire Short Form-Chinese version (SSQSF-C) were used to examine the convergent validity and the divergent validity and to understand the participants’ mental health status and personalities. To examine the test-retest reliability of the WEIS-C, a set of 40 participants in the control group were interviewed after 7 to 13 days from the first interview. The inter-rater reliability was tested by 6 occupational therapists who rated the same 10 participants in the control group with the WEIS-C rating scale. Rasch Analysis was used to investigate the construct validity of the WEIS-C and Classic Test Theory was used to examine the internal consistency, test-retest reliability, inter-rater reliability, discrimination validity, convergent and divergent validity of the WEIS-C. Results The WEIS-C appears to measure a single construct according to Rasch analysis. No DIF was found in genders, educational levels, the characteristics of the sample (persons with mental illness, battered women and the normal subjects) and different raters in the study. WEIS-C could discriminate the work environment impact among client and control groups by controlling the educational levels, gender and social economic status with ANCOVA (F=4.764、p=0.031). The convergent validity of the WEIS-C was supported by its significantly moderate to high correlations with C-JCQ (r=0.676, p=0.000) and the environment subscale of the OSA (r=0.414, p=0.000). However, the social interaction items of the WEIS-C has low correlation with SSQSF-C (r=0.233, p=0.010). The divergent validity of the WEIS-C was not supported by its high correlation with Mastery Scale(r=0.534,p=0.000). The WEIS-C has a good internal consistency(Cronbach’s α = 0.866) , moderate inter-rater reliability(ICC = 0.597),and excellent test-retest reliability(ICC = 0.998). WEIS-C has significantly moderate negative correlations with BDI-II(r=-0.380,p=0.000), BAI(r=-0.303,p=0.001) and TSCL (r=-0.396,p=0.000). Moreover, WEIS-C has significantly high correlations with Job Satisfaction Scale(r=0.564,p=0.000) and WHOQOL-BREF(r=0.536,p=0.000). Finally, WEIS-C has significantly moderate correlations with 7 subscales of the C-BPI which is Depression, Anxiety, Social Introversion, Self Depreciation, Persecutory, Thinking Disorder and Deviation (r=-0.305--0.454, p<0.05). Discussion The WEIS-C could be used to reliably and appropriately estimate how the work environment affects worker’s work performance, satisfaction and well-being and be used with groups of different characteristics (people with mental illness, abused women and normal subjects) in Taiwan with good psychometric properties. In addition, the study confirms that subjects with more negative perception of their work environment tend to have higher severity of depression, anxiety and psychiatric symptoms, worse quliaty of life and less job satisfaction. This finding suggests that occupational therapists, employment counselors and other related professionals should pay more attention to the work environment impacts on clients while doing vocational assessments. Moreover, subjects with some negative personalities tend to perceive their work environments negatively which is also found. Accordingly, therapists and other professionals should consider not only the client’s work environment, but also the fitness between his/her personality and the job. The results in this study should be carefully generalized due to several limitations: (a) the sample was restricted to persons living in Northern Taiwan and recruited by convenience sampling. (b)The screening criteria of participants for test-retest reliability examination may lead to bias. (c) The small sample size of the abused women may cause limited external validity for victims of domestic violence in Taiwan. Further work is therefore required to ensure the measurement quality for abused women with larger sample size. Moreover, the work environment impact and its causation for different populations could be explored more by quality study using WEIS for in-depth knowledge.


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