  • 學位論文


Rebuilding Taiwu Elementary School in the Wake of Typhoon Morakot

指導教授 : 洪貞玲
共同指導教授 : 梁玉芳


在莫拉克風災後的諸多重建面向中,「教育」議題相對受到較少矚目,然而,對受災嚴重的原住民部落而言,因其歷史因素、文化特性、地理條件與數位落差等特質,學校成為維繫部落文化的重要場所,校園重建刻不容緩。 本文以屏東縣泰武國民小學為個案,由其古謠傳唱隊在莫拉克風災後的故事,說明學校重建工作面臨之困難。泰武國小因風災受損嚴重,需異地安置與遷校。學校之於原住民部落,乃資源的象徵,風災後,泰武國小重建過程,面臨部落意見不合、學童受教權益受損、決策權力正當性無法有效提昇,甚至傳統文化推行工作也因人、事、物、地的改變而受阻,原本親密的人際關係、與土地的情感都備受挑戰。 為減少此類情況,重建過程除了應加強部落、家庭與學校之聯結,政府也應主動提高各方溝通的頻率與品質、拉高學校重建的視野至「原住民族文化復建與延續」,而非單一學校的校園重建,並建立廣納專家意見的校園重建小組。


One of the aspects of reconstruction often neglected after Typhoon Morakot swept through Taiwan is the matter of education. But for the aboriginal tribes desperately trying to pick up the pieces of their lives in the wake of the disaster, the rebuilding of the local school is of paramount importance. Due to various historic reasons, cultural elements, geographical conditions, and the digital gap, schools serve as a vital link in tribal culture. The focal point of this report is Taiwu Elementary School, located in Pingtung County, in southern Taiwan. Through the trials and tribulations experienced by its choir group after the typhoon, we explore the challenges faced by a rural school trying to get back on its feet. The damages wrought upon Taiwu Elementary School by the storm rendered it uninhabitable, necessitating its relocation to a safer site. But complications arose due to the vital role the school played in the tribal community. Education is a resource, and moving it elsewhere has become a point of controversy. As tempers flare and opinions clash, policymakers are stymied, and the children’s right to an education is infringed upon. The passing of traditional culture is impaired by changes in the land, its people, and their affairs and properties. Interpersonal relations, as well as the connection between the tribes and the earth, have come under attack. This is not a viable situation to be in. The process of reconstruction should strengthen ties between families, the tribes, and the school, not weaken them. The government must take the initiative in raising the quality and frequency of communication between all sides. The rebuilding of a school lies not in the restoration of its brick and mortar, but in the Revival and Continuation of Aboriginal Tribal Culture. The opinion of experts should also be taken into account.


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林純雯(2005)。《教育政策合法化理論建構與實際運作之研究》。國立臺灣師範 大學教育學系博士論文。


