  • 學位論文


A Policy Network Analysis of Water Transfer Strategy for Level Three Drought Critical Condition in Taoyuan Area

指導教授 : 江瑞祥




Droughts frequently occur in recently years in Taoyuan Area, resulting in reducing water supply in allocation management of water resources, inter-district water transfer, and stop irrigation. Implementing water transfer strategy becomes an important issue especially during the drought.Based on the theoretical frameworks of both policy network theory and stakeholder analysis, the research aims to cover the following objectives. To begin with, the interdependence of resources with its formal/informal relationship should be uncovered, with which to acquire such information as people’s belief, the amount available resources with its mobilization capacity, and the available profits. Besides, it is hoped to analyze the interaction among stakeholders when they are involved in activities like reducing water supply in allocation management of water resources, inter-district water transfer, and stop irrigation. Because of this, the members of such a whole policy network would enable themselves to be aware of their place and importance within the interrelated web, thus soaking up a harmonious atmosphere among all members.The result of this research shows that the policy network of water transfer strategy for level three drought critical condition in Taoyuan Area is the fruitful results of many organizations such as public sectors, private sectors, and semi-official agencies (Taoyuan Irrigation Association, Shihmen Irrigation Association and Taiwan Water Corporation). On top of that, owing to the fact that the equal formal consultation mechanism is mainly guided by public sectors, stakeholders are more likely to do informal consultation through the assistance of policy community and collaboration, with a view to decreasing the threats to economy, agriculture, and the whole society posed by the consequence of drought.


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