  • 學位論文


An Analysis on Practical Issues in Public Construction Contract Disputes

指導教授 : 詹森林教授


摘 要 我國現今公共工程契約通常兼有金額龐大、施作項目繁雜、參與承包商眾多及履行契約期間甚長等多重特性,造成公共工程契約履行期間,常因各種事件之發生,例如:變更設計、工期展延等,履生契約當事人權利義務就應如何變更或調整始得以兼顧法律及公平之爭議。 依據司法院於統計資料,近年來,各地一審法院受理工程爭議之民事訴訟案件有逐年增加之趨勢,而司法院因應98年4月22日新修正施行營造業法第67條之1規定,雖已自99年9月1日起,指定台灣台北地方法院設立工程專庭,負責審理有關工程之民事訴訟案件,惟目前我國法制僅於民法第490條至第514條承攬章節規範承攬契約中定作人與承攬人間之權利義務,未考量工程契約之特殊性而予規範。因此,對於相同或類似之爭議,法院常有歧異之見解,遂導致判決不一致之情形。 公共工程契約為定型化契約,業主所擬之契約條款自應合理分配風險,在我國民法未考量工程契約特殊性而規範之情況下,承攬人通常期待法院得以在不違反契約約定及法律規定之情況下,作出符合國際工程慣例之公允判決。因此,本研究亦將以公共工程契約合理之風險分配為討論基礎,就不同之爭議類型,探討實務判決,如何得以兼顧法理、公允及符合國際工程慣例。 在研究方法方面,本研究係以目前常見法院實務就公共工程履約爭議案件判決之歧異見解予以研析,參考學者及實務界所提出之論著及見解,並藉由整合工程及法律之專業領域綜整及研析,進而嘗試提出本研究之見解及建議,期望可供工程或司法實務作為處理類似爭議事件之參考。


Abstract The public construction contracts usually have the characteristics of huge contract price, complex techniques, long duration, and many contractors are participating in the contract. A large amount of disputes arise from various events, such as: variation, extension of time, and so on. When a contractor claims, the most important issue in the disputes is the legal and fair way to adjust the contractual rights and obligations of both parties. According to the statistic data from the Judicial Yuan, the disputes concerning construction contracts are increasing in recent years. On April 22, 2009, Article 67-1 of the Construction Industry Act was amended, which stipulates: “the Judicial Yuan shall designate the court to form the professional engineering tribunal consisting of the judges specialized in the engineering or experienced in trial of engineering-related cases to process the dispute over engineering”. In order to judge the cases related the disputes of construction contracts, the Judicial Yuan has established professional engineering tribunal in Taiwan Taipei District Court since September 1, 1990. Due to the public construction contract is a standard form contract usually, the allocation of risk in the contract must be fair to both parties. Therefore, this research will take the fair allocation of risk as a basis for discussion on various types of dispute. This thesis focuses mainly on the court judgments concerning the disputes of public construction contracts. As for the research method, except the analysis bases on the domestic legal cases, the thesis also attempts to discuss about scholar’s opinions about such issues. The discussion also attempts to combine the engineering field and the legal field, and at last, intends to submit some opinions or recommendations in order to provide a reference for the court or construction practice in dealing with the disputes of public construction contracts.


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