  • 學位論文


Intelligent Performance Evaluation in Cloud Computing

指導教授 : 王凡




Cloud Computing is a trend can't be halted. More and more applications or software had been porting as Web service in Cloud. Traditionally, software performance is determined by the host hardware throughput, and is predictable. Web service is differs from traditional software, Web service is hosted by Cloud infrastructure that might be assembled from several virtual machines to hundreds of datacenters. Sharing resources Cloud is a big black-box to developers and users. We can only measure performance by actually sending requests, and the performance of Web service is hard to predict. In this thesis, we propose a framework integrated with Support Vector Machine (SVM) as a mechanism to evaluate performance of Web service. We use the characteristics of supervised learning algorithm (SLA) to capture the elements of unstable performance in Cloud, and the effects of real behavior of background usage. We also propose a feature selection scheme to reduce size of sampling data. Our experimental results show that the framework we proposed can evaluate/predict performance continuously, and achieve high-accuracy.


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