  • 學位論文


Study on the knowledge, attitude and use behavior of functional foods in Taiwanese

指導教授 : 沈立言
共同指導教授 : 郭憲文


台灣民眾已逐漸將保健食品作為日常生活中預防疾病、促進與維持健康的方法之一,促使保健食品產業的發展與研究。然而,大多數的文獻著重於分析影響民眾使用保健食品的因子,目前尚無研究調查民眾對保健食品的認知程度與態度,尤其針對護肝保健食品使用後對健康的影響之探討。本研究利用問卷訪視的方式,首度進行國人對保健食品的認知、態度及使用行為調查,並以不同護肝保健食品為對象,了解民眾使用護肝保健食品後對健康狀況的影響。問卷設計經過專家內容效度 (content validity index, CVI)與再測信度 (test-retest reliability)檢定後,以隨意取樣 (purposively sampling)方式調查不同群體,包括社區、基層診所與保健食品直銷販售人員。受訪者需填答基本資料、個人健康狀況、工作情形、保健食品及護肝保健食品使用狀況,共回收有效問卷1024份 (有效回收率93.7%)進行統計分析。結果得知約八成受訪者 (N=822)曾經或正在使用保健食品,其使用保健食品主要的原因,依序為「自己覺得需要」、「親友推薦」及「專業人員建議」。其使用的目的依序為「增加免疫力」、「補充不足的營養素」及「增強體力」。以複迴歸邏輯式分析影響民眾保健食品使用的相關因子,結果得知保健食品直銷商會員使用保健食品 (OR=9.4, p<0.001)與護肝保健食品 (OR=11.1, p<0.001)之機率均高於非會員。外省籍民眾 (OR=2.2, p=0.032)使用保健食品機會也高於閩南籍民眾。對一般保健食品態度愈正向者,其使用保健食品與護肝保健食品的機率亦愈高,但對保健食品知識愈高者,其對保健食品態度反而較差。另外,探討護肝保健食品對健康效益之影響方面,使用者認為護肝保健食品在「體力不足」、「免疫力不佳」及「常疲倦」的症狀有改善的比例較高。於問卷之護肝保健食品種類中,以「大蒜萃取物」為症狀改善比例較高的產品;若考慮累積性攝取指標,將使用護肝保健食品的頻率及持續使用的年數與症狀改善得分做相關性分析,發現五味子芝麻錠產品(r=0.8, p<0.001)、蜆精/錠產品(r=0.4, p=0.004)及磷脂類產品(r=0.3, p=0.004)使用年數越長,對於症狀改善效果越明顯。因此,本研究結論顯示民眾對保健食品態度愈正面,其使用保健食品或護肝保健食品之比例亦愈高,大蒜萃取物、五味子芝麻錠、蜆精或蜆錠及磷脂類產品為使用護肝保健食品的受訪者認為對症狀改善較為顯著的護肝保健食品。


The functional foods are considerable used as diseases prevention, health promotion and staying health in Taiwanese; therefore, the development of functional foods has thriven in recent year. Some studies showed the use of dietary supplements may be affected by demographics, occupation and health-related factors. However, there is limited research aiming at the knowledge, attitude, use behavior towards the functional foods and health effect of functional foods after consuming them. In this study, we first investigated the demographics, lifestyle characteristics, the knowledge, attitude, use behavior towards the functional foods and the self-perceived effectiveness in different kinds of functional foods for liver protection in Taiwanese. The final questionnaire was established after twice reliability (test-retest reliability) and validity (content validity index, CVI) tests. Data collections were by purposively sampling in three groups, including people from communities, the distributors of functional foods and the patients with liver diseases. Data from 1024 participants (effective recovery rate 93.7%), who completed a self-administered questionnaire including demographics, health status, work condition and the use behavior of functional foods or functional foods for liver protection. According to our analysis, 80.3% (N=822) of the subjects used functional foods. The main reasons for using functional foods were「self-perceived needed」, 「recommendation from relatives or friends」and 「suggestion from health professionals」. The main purposes for using the functional foods were 「enhancing immunity」, 「supplying nutrition」 and 「enhancing energy」. The result of the factors affecting the functional foods use by multiple logistic regression analysis was the odds ratio (OR) of using the functional foods (OR=9.4, p<0.001) and the functional foods for liver protection (OR=11.1, p<0.001) in the distributors of functional foods was higher than the non-distributors of functional foods. Besides, the odds ratio of using the functional foods in Mainland (OR=2.2, p=0.032) was higher than Fukien. The odds ratio of using the functional foods and functional foods for liver protection were higher in the person who had more positive attitude towards the functional foods. Unexpectedly, the person who had higher level of knowledge towards functional foods had less positive attitude towards the functional foods for liver protection. In the aspect of health effect of functional foods for liver protection, the consumers of functional foods for liver protection perceived the improvement of the overall health status, enhancing the vigor, less tired and increasing the immunity after regularly using functional foods for liver protection. Moreover, the products of garlic were most effective functional foods for liver protection to improve the symptoms caused by impaired liver function among 13 kinds of functional foods for liver protection. In the view of the cumulative intake index, the longer years of the products of Schisandra chinensis and sesame (r=0.8, p<0.001), Corbicula flumine (r=0.4, p=0.004) and phospholipid (r=0.3, p=0.004) use, the better effect of symptoms improvement. In conclusion, the more positive attitude towards functional foods, the higher percentage of functional foods and functional foods for liver protection foods use. Additionally, the products of garlic, Schisandra chinensis and sesame, Corbicula flumine and phospholipid were more effective functional foods for liver protection to improve the symptoms caused by impaired liver function in the consumers of functional foods for liver protection.


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