  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Supermarket’s Customer Satisfaction on the Shenkeng Farmers’Association in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙


農會超市面對環境的激烈競爭,如何維持並保有舊顧客之支持,吸引新顧客的消費,進而使顧客購物後得到滿足,是農會超市所面臨的重要課題。本研究以深坑區農會超市為例,運用美國哈佛大學教授Porter的SWOT分析與五力分析,探討本超市之利基。以深坑地區農會的居民為研究母體藉由問卷調查方式,選取556人次。透過分析兩超市之顧客滿意度,得知其主要結論如下:消費者對超市促銷之訊息來源,以海報、傳單與超市內的廣告、傳單或標語居多。購買在地點方面:農會超市是最主要購物地點,佔75%,遠多於全聯福利中心平埔店;受訪者每週至少二或三次者佔46.66%;在過去兩個月內,前往該會超市以五次及以上者最多 (佔53.56%);而每次購物金額以在301~500元者為最多(佔30.4%),在101~300元者次之 (佔23.2%);前往農會超市購物的原因:以商品種類多占最多 (佔10.63%),而商品排列整齊且標示清楚、方便選購者居次 (佔10.2%)。在顧客滿意度方面,不論商品及管理類、營運及設施類以及收銀服務類三項,農會超市在極滿意與滿意程度之結果為皆遠超過全聯福利中心平埔店。


Currently, supermarkets of farmer’s associations are situated in a highly competitive environment. How to keep original customers, attract new consumers, and make them feel satisfy after shopping in the their supermarkets are the important issues. We survey 556 people in the Shenkeng region. We analyze the niche in this region with Porter’s SWOT analysis and Five Force analysis. By comparing the results among Shenkeng Supermarket and Ping-Pu PXMarket, we have the following conclusions. Most consumers receive promotion information from posters, flyers, and advertisements in the store. 75% of the respondents want to Shenkeng Farmer’s Supermarket. This is much higher than Ping-Pu XPMarket. 46% of the respondents visit 2 to 3 times a week. 53.46% of the respondents visit the store more than 5 times a week in the past two months. 30.4% spend 301 to 500 NT in each visit. The second most spending group lies between 101 to 300 NT in each visit. 10.63% of the respondents visit Shenkeng Farmers‘ Supermarket because of the variety of merchandise, and 10.2% of them visit because of the confortable shopping environment. As for the consumer's satisfaction, merchandize and management; operation and facility and cashers’ service in the Shenkeng Farmers‘ Supermarket are all better than the ones in Ping-Pu PXMarket. Keywords: Farmers’ supermarket; SWOT analysis; Five Force analysis; Customers’ satisfaction.


SWOT analysis Five Force analysis


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張順達(2016)。天氣變化對零售業銷售業績之影響 ─以新北市深坑區農會生鮮超市為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201601813
