  • 學位論文


A Research of the Warring State Chu Bamboo Books “Tai Yi Shen Sui”

指導教授 : 周鳳五


郭店戰國楚墓所出的《太一生水》,海內外學界雖已有相當的研究,但簡文中仍有許問題,仍未有定論。故本論文試圖梳理簡文文義,並爬梳簡文的思想脈絡。以下則是本論文各章的主要內容: 第一章是「緒論」。首先說明本論文的研究動機,其次概述郭店楚墓及其所出竹簡的情況,其三將前人對《太一生水》的研究做一概略性的介紹,最後則是說明本論文的研究方法。 第二章是「《太一生水》簡文整理與全文通讀」。在簡文整理的部分,論析各簡缺文與應補入字數,再析論簡序與分章,其三則試為簡文缺文補字,最後於小結的部分,則將筆者整理出來的簡文面貌完整呈現。在全文通讀的部分,逐一對〈太一生水章〉、〈名字章〉、〈天道貴弱章〉三章中的疑難字詞加以說解,並加以語譯。 第三章是「《太一生水》中的『太一』與『水』」。關於「太一」的部分,本節由天文、信仰、術數與哲學四個角度來論析「太一」的概念,並試藉此以演繹出「太一」一詞於出《太一生水》中的涵義。關於「水」的部分,本章試由先秦哲人以「水」喻抽象哲思與對「水」之本質的認定兩方面的研究,以比對出《太一生水》中「水」的涵義。 第四章是「《太一生水》思想內涵」。本章逐一對〈太一生水章〉、〈名字章〉、〈天道貴弱章〉三章的內涵進行更深入的研析。 第五章是「結論」。除匯整本論文全文論述外,亦試提出筆者對《太一生水》的看法。最後則進一步檢討本文不足之處,及未來研究展望。


郭店楚簡 太一生水 宇宙論


Tai Yi Shen Sui from Guo Dian Zhan Chan Guo Chu Mu has been researched considerably, yet a lot of questions have not been solved. This thesis is intended to organize its semantic structure, as well as the philosophic thought. The content of each chapter is as follows: Chapter One is Generalization. It includes the motive of researching,the condition of Guo Dian Chu Mu and bamboo books, the general introduction of previous study by scholars, and finally the researching method of bamboo books. Chapter Two consists two parts: organize bamboo books and comprehensive reading. Organizing bamboo books deals with four aspects, that is, (1) Discussing and analyzing the missing characters and the number of characters that should be added. (2) Discussing and categorizing (3) Trying to add the missing characters (4) Revealing the whole context. In the part of comprehensive reading a clear explanation of Tai Yi Shen Sui, Ming Zi, and Tian Dao Guei Zuo has been done. Chapter Three deals with Tai Yi and Shen Sui. The idea of Tai Yi is discussed from different four angles, astronomy, religion, strategy, and philosophy. And by means of this discussion, the meaning of Tai Yi can be deduced. As to the part of Sui, it is based on abstract philosophical thought and the real quality to find the connotation of Sui. Chapter Four focus on the thought itself. A thorough and complete research about Tai Yi Shen Sui, Ming Zi, and Tian Dao Guei Zuo has been done in this chapter. Chapter Five is the conclusion. In addition to the generalization, the concept of Tai Yi Shen Sui has also been illustrated too. Finally, a review and future development have been included.


Guo Dian Zhan Chan Tai Yi Shen Sui Cosmology Water


劉 釗:《郭店楚簡校釋》(福州:福建人民出版社,2005年1月)
