  • 學位論文


A Non-Traditional Security Threat Caused By Cross-Strait Interactions—A Case Study Of The Cross- Strait Drug Smuggling

指導教授 : 周繼祥


我國自1988年正式開放與對岸交流以來,人員、貿易數額均逐年增加,兩岸亦在1990年以紅十字會名義簽署「金門協議」,並於1991年開展海峽兩會之制度化協商機制,尤以1993年辜汪會談為最,後因前總統李登輝在1999年7月間發表「兩國論」後,致使對岸片面中斷協商,而後歷經2000年至2008年的民進黨執政,直至馬政府在2008年5月執政後,兩岸自始才又恢復制度化協商。雖說如此,兩岸在人員、文教、經貿及觀光等各項交流情況仍愈加密切,並不因兩岸政治情勢丕變而有稍減趨勢。然而自1996年以來,大陸地區卻一直係臺灣地區境外毒品主要來源地,致使我方面臨非傳統安全之威脅。雖然兩岸在2009年4月26日簽署「海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」,惟我國在該年度查獲來自大陸地區毒品竟係近十年來最高量,而在2010年又再創新高。因此本論文針對以下問題進行探討:一、兩岸交流日益密切下,是否大陸地區毒品走私來臺之威脅亦隨之高漲?二、「海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」之成效是否受制於中共態度及兩岸情勢變化?三、除寄望「海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」外,是否有其他防制大陸毒品走私來臺之措施?本論文並就以上問題進行假設,以為研究設計之依據:一、因兩岸交流缺乏配套措施,包括兩岸打擊犯罪協議未能具體落實,所以當兩岸交流越頻繁、密切,兩岸毒品走私犯罪問題將更嚴重。二、中共對臺政策係以「和平統一、一國兩制」為基本方針,並以統戰工作為其手段, 因此,兩岸合作打擊犯罪機制成效將受兩岸政治情勢影響。三、臺灣若強調主體性並加強與國際間合作,中共恐因此舉違背其對臺政策,而拒合作打擊毒品犯罪, 致我難以抵擋對岸毒品之滲透。 本論文係採「歷史研究途徑」,以馬政府執政前後為研究時點,對兩岸間之互動情勢、毒品犯罪情況、反毒機制、毒品走私犯罪及兩岸共同打擊毒品犯罪等情形進行探討,並進行兩階段之比較與分析;另兼採「新制度主義研究途徑」,以探討兩岸反毒機制在面對所處環境之相關演變情形,藉以發現我國反毒機制不足之處,俾為精進機制之參考。而在研究方法方面,主要係採「文獻分析法」,蒐集與本論文題目有關之期刊、文章、書籍、論文、專書、研究報告、政府出版品、官方或民間網站及報章雜誌等資料,以做為本研究分析之素材。並輔與「深度訪談法」,訪談實際參與毒品犯罪防制業務之相關執法機關人員,藉以瞭解大陸毒品來臺主要走私管道、兩岸交流與大陸毒品走私來臺之關連性及兩岸共同打擊毒品犯罪之執行等一般文獻難以獲得之資訊,以使本論文在資料蒐集上更加完備。 綜合本論文研究發現:一、兩岸交流愈密切則毒品走私問題愈嚴重。二、「海峽兩岸共同打擊毒品犯罪及司法互助協議」潛藏政治變數。三、大陸當局態度影響兩岸共打毒品成效。而為有效遏止大陸毒品走私來臺之非傳統安全威脅,有必要先從「完善兩岸毒品犯罪統計資料」、「在兼顧國家安全下,與對岸協力共同打擊毒品犯罪」及「統合各查緝機關職能,發揮專業分工效能」等3個面向著手;而在中長期方面,則應設置「國家禁毒委員會」、建置「毒品防制情報資料庫」,以及加強國際合作打擊毒品走私犯罪,以提昇我國反毒戰力,並有效遏止兩岸交流衍生之非傳統安全威脅。


Since our country opened and exchanged officially with Mainland China in 1988, the personnel and economics developed rapidly. The “Kinmen agreement” which was in the name of the Red Cross was also signed between Cross-Strait in 1990. In 1991 the consultative mechanism between the Straits Exchange Foundation and the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits spread out. The consultative mechanism between Koo and Wang was the most famous. However, after the former President Lee announced “One nation, Two states” in July 1991, the consultation mechanism was broken off between Taiwan and Mainland China. It was in the same situation in power of Democratic Progressive Party from 2000 to 2008. The consultative mechanism was restored again until President Ma ruled the government. Although the political circumstance changed eternally, the interaction was more intimate. However, Mainland China has been the main source of drugs in Taiwan and it has caused us to face the non-traditional security threat. Although “Cross-strait Joint Fight against Crime and Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement” was signed in April 26, 2009 between Taiwan and Mainland China, we still ferreted out the massive drugs from Mainland China in the same year. And it created the new record again in 2010. Therefore, our study try to discuss the following questions. First, was the threat of drug smuggling from Mainland China more serious or not when the interaction was more intimate between Taiwan and Mainland China? Second, were the effects of “Cross-strait Joint Fight against Crime and Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement” restrained by the Chinese Communist Party manner? Third, are there any other system to prevent the drug smuggling from Mainland except for the “Cross-strait Joint Fight against Crime and Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement”? According to these questions, we made three hypothesis as the basis in our study. First, the “Cross-strait Joint Fight against Crime and Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement” can’t be carried out, so the Cross-Strait drug smuggling would be more serious when the interaction was more intimate between Taiwan and Mainland China. Second, the government of the republic of China took the policy of “One country, Two system” as her basic guiding principal to Taiwan, and she used “united front” as her method. So, the effects of “Cross-strait Joint Fight against Crime and Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement” would be restrained by the Chinese Communist Party manner. Third, if the government of the republic of Taiwan emphasizes her independence and strengthens international cooperation, the Chinese Communist Party may reject to cooperate with the Taiwan government when attacking drug-related crime. Our study adopted “historical study”. We tried to discuss the interaction between Taiwan and Mainland China, the drug crime, the anti-drug mechanism, drug-smuggling crime and Cross-Strait Cracking down the Crime and Judicial Cooperation. We also adopted “new-institutional approach” to discuss the anti-drug mechanism in Taiwan and Mainland China and tried to find out the flow of our anti-drug mechanism. In the research method, we mainly adopted “literature analysis” to collect the periodical, the articles, the books, the government publication, official or folk website, newspapers and magazines, which are related to our study. Furthermore, the “in-depth interview method” was also be used to make our study more complete. The conclusion in our study as follow: First, when the communication is more intimate between Taiwan and Mainland China, the drug smuggling question is more serious. Second, “Cross-strait Joint Fight against Crime and Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement” hid the political variable. Third, the mainland authority manners influence the effects of fighting the drug. To suppress the non-traditional security threat of mainland drug-smuggling, we have to promote our anti-drug ability. First we can try to rebuild a database about drug criminals, to fight against drug crime with the government of the republic of China and to integrate the Justice Department. In long-term aspects, we can build “Peaceful Unification” and statistical information about how to fight drug-related crime .Furthermore our government can strengthen the international cooperation with other countries.




