  • 學位論文


The Determinants of Strategic Alliance Decision of Firms in Communication and Networking Industries: Applications of Event Study

指導教授 : 李吉仁


溝通為生活無法或缺,而使得網路通訊產業起源甚早,近年來隨著網路通訊技術發展快速,網路通訊產業帶來更多打破時間、空間侷限的服務,讓網路通訊不再只是溝通工具,帶給消費者更多附加價值。 智慧型手機吸引本研究對行動上網的起源產生好奇,並發現行動上網早在十年前即已推出,可惜曇花一現並未形成風潮,本研究更進一步發現其差異並非在於技術,而是當年相關網路通訊業者間缺乏合作與整合,行動上網缺乏統一技術規格與開發平台而失敗,本研究因而理解網路通訊業廠商間合作與聯盟的重要性。然而合作形式甚多,本研究從數件網路通訊產業合作案宣告在股票市場的股價表現發現,並非所有合作皆能為網路通訊業者創造價值並進而受到投資者的親睞。網路通訊產業因技術進步快、產品周期性短與產品內容廣泛等特性,廠商難以單打獨鬥地提供所有服務或是單獨開發所有技術,必須透過合作以增加企業的資源,然而合作間也因不效率易產生交易成本。由於合作方式會影響合作價值,故本研究所關心的議題即在網路通信產業在尋求資源與技術合作時該採取什麼方式才能提高合作價值,意即本研究所定義的提高合作廠商股價的超額報酬。 本研究以交易成本理論推論技術合作與跨國合作案應採取股權合作方式,並以資源依賴理論推論廠商間上下游合作方式較水平式的合作為佳。實證上,本研究以國內網路通訊產業六十家廠商在2001到2011年間的146筆技術合作宣告為樣本,運用事件研究法檢驗這些假說。分析結果發現技術合作採取股權合作、廠商合作方向採取上下游方式能讓合作廠商在股價享有超額報酬;跨國合作則採取合資方式能有超額報酬。本研究結果可供網路通訊廠商往後在進行類似的合作案的決策參考,以提高合作之價值。


Communication is essential need to the society and such a need has pushed the development of the networking industry. Thanks to the fast technological innovation, many value-added services are provided by the key industrial players and hence grow the industry output. For example, smartphone has attracted users through abundant applications and the coming Cloud Computing would create many more value-added applications. The boom of mobile internet need and industry triggers our research by first asking why mobile internet had launched in the year of 2000 but failed to take off mainly due to lack of cooperation among different networking players. We therefore empirically explore if a right form of cooperation would create value for the transacting parties. By applying event study to analyze a set of announcements of inter-firm technological cooperation, we are able to test our hypotheses that different types of cooperation would affect transacting parties stock performances. We found that market responds significantly positive to the technology collaboration deals that adopt equity-based form. In addition, technology deals along vertical chain would enjoy positive stock returns than that of horizontal type. Finally, cross-border transactions with joint venture arrangement would exert better stock return than adopting acquisition. Implications to networking industry players and suggestions for future research are also discussed.


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