  • 學位論文


A Concerto of Consumer Culture in Taipei: Eastern District and Eastern District Girls

指導教授 : 畢恆達


在全球化鏈結的牽連下,臺北東區的傳奇顯現在經濟繁榮的金融大廈聚集的空間景觀和各式各樣的消費文化中。本研究除了討論東區消費者的身體展演、行動及姿態是如何形構其特有的流行氛圍之外,也探究在「群體-空間-文化-認同」彼此間緊密共構的系統之下,「東區妹」成為消費網絡下產物的脈絡。在看待此類似標籤命名背後的意涵,不僅止於消費網絡的結構,更廣泛涵括的是該地的空間歷史演化、消費文化與群體社會等,相互交錯而產生的直接影響或資訊傳播。 因此,本研究先從東區空間發展的演變作為背景,分析東區消費環境的概況,藉由東區顯而易見的百貨商圈不敗、醫療美容熱潮、精緻店鋪四立、娛樂產業興盛及夜店文化之消費現象,找出為何東區妹時常出沒於此而得名。進而從各面向找出東區妹外在特徵與社會層面的回應,了解社會大眾面對東區妹議題時的各種眼神、姿態、排斥與接納。 對於裝扮美感的喜好人各相異,對於被戴上東區妹稱謂的帽子是大方接納抑或大力排斥,完全建立在個人對東區妹一詞的觀感。因東區而存的東區妹,一旦脫離生養地,只是暫時脫離母地的個體,在外持續接受文化刺激與碰撞,並在其中依然可保有自我姿態呈現於世,無須躲藏也無須對立,東區妹詞彙的一體多面正是消費文化現象之縮影,城市的包容力便於此展現無遺。


消費文化 東區 身體展演 姿態


Under the chain of globalization, the legend of eastern district appeared on the landscape gathered by the office buildings and all kinds of consumer culture. This thesis tried to discuss how to make the fashion aura through the consumer body performances, actions and attitudes. Furthermore, under the system of “group-space-culture-identification”, it need to investigate the consumer society background of eastern district girls in Taipei. The meanings of these labels are not only talking about the consumer network, but the interlaced mass communication from spatial development, consumer culture and the pluralistic society. Therefore, taking the history of the spatial development in eastern district as a research background, this thesis tried to analyze the consumer environment which tends to different city phenomenon in eastern district, for example, the department stores shopping district, the trend of the medical aesthetic market, the prevalence of select shops, the pluralistic recreational activities, and the culture of night club. For finding the reason of how eastern district girls became famous, I observed the characteristic from their appearances, collected the opinions from exclusive interviews. Through the research process and results, people could realize the looks, attitudes, thoughts, exclusiveness and acceptance of eastern district girls. Everyone has its own esthetic sensibility, when discussing the attitude of exclusiveness and acceptance to eastern district girls, it all build on the impression from them. Eastern district girls exist on the gestation in eastern district, as soon as leaving the breeding ground, they still can keep the attitude and self-confidence to face the outside incentive and culture shock. They do not need to hide or confront positions. The meaning of eastern district girls is an epitome of the consumer culture. Therefore, people could see the city accommodation in the circumstance of eastern district girls from now on.


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