  • 學位論文

從聖多美及普林西比角度檢視 幾內亞灣海域劃界: 特別論及2002年 喀麥隆和奈及利亞的陸上和海上邊界

GULF OF GUINEA MARITIME BOUNDARY DELIMITATION FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE: With particular reference to 2002 Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria

指導教授 : 姜皇池


摘要 本篇論文著重在從聖多美與普林西比共和國(Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe),以下簡稱STP觀點,討論幾內亞灣海洋劃界的議題,並且特地參考2002年柯麥隆(Cameroon)及奈及利亞(Nigeria) 陸地與海域界線的案件。在1994年的3月29號,柯麥隆在國際法庭提出對奈及利亞的訴訟申請,爭執的焦點集中在「巴卡西半島」(Bakassi Penisula) 的主權糾紛。此外, 在1999年6月30號,「赤道幾內亞」(Equatorial Guinea)根據《國際法院規約》(Statute of International Court of Justice) 第62條,提出要參加上開訴訟的申請,目的是要藉由所有可能的司法手段,以尋求其在幾內亞灣權利及利益的保障,並且告知法院其將受到法院審議所影響之法律上權利與利益。 相對於赤道幾內亞,STP選擇不參與訴訟,亦不對法院之判決發表任何意見。因此,本文著重於查明基於何種理由STP選擇不去介入;其次,找出STP在幾內亞灣的法律上權利與利益為何;且進一步了解STP如何從法院的判決中理解本身的法律上權益。 本論文將嘗試以一個適當角度來探討議題,共包含五個章節。章節一簡略的介紹幾內亞灣的地理、歷史及法律觀點;章節二呈獻海域法(Law of the Sea)之相關規定與其發展歷史;章節三討論並比較分析柯麥隆與奈及利亞間,關於陸地及海域劃界的案件;章節四從STP的觀點,並參考2002年柯麥隆與奈及利亞領土與海洋劃界的案件,以探討幾內亞灣的海洋劃界。章節五則提出本文結論。


ABSTRACT This thesis aims to encompass the issue concerning the Gulf of Guinea maritime boundary delimitation from the perspective of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe (hereinafter, Sao Tome and Principe) with particular reference to 2002 Land and Maritime Boundary Delimitation between Cameroon and Nigeria case. On 29 March 1994, the Republic of Cameroon filed an application before the International Court of Justice (I.C.J.) instituting proceedings against the Federal Republic of Nigeria in respect of a dispute described as “relating essentially to the question of sovereignty over the Bakassi Peninsula.” In addition, on 30 June 1999, the Republic of Equatorial Guinea instituted before the ICJ an application for permission to intervene in the case pursuant to article 62 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice. The object was to seek protection of its legal rights and interests in the Gulf of Guinea by all legal means available and to inform the Court of the nature of its legal rights and interests that could be affected by the Court’s decision. Contrarily to Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe however chose not to intervene on any basis, nor did pronounce any concern regarding the Court’s deliberation. Thus, in light of those concerns, this thesis tries to find out the underlying reasons of why Sao Tome and Principe choose not to intervene; secondly to find out what are the Sao Tome and Principe legal rights and interests in the Gulf of Guinea; and further to know how Sao Tome and Principe sees its legal rights and interests from the Court’s deliberation. The present thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter I present a brief introduction of geographical, historical and legal perspectives of the Gulf of Guinea. Chapter II presents an historical analysis of the Law of the Sea. Chapter III discusses and makes a comparative analysis of the International Court of Justice’s deliberation in case concerning Land and Maritime Boundary Delimitation between Cameroon and Nigeria. Chapter IV elaborates on Gulf of Guinea Maritime Boundary from the perspective of Sao Tome and Principe with a particular reference to 2002 Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria. Chapter V gives an conclusion of the overall thesis.


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